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Short Story “The Sniper” and “the Fan Club”

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In the short story “The Sniper” and “The Fan Club”, they both share one common Theme. The Theme would be choosing one target to eliminate them from The Literary Work for “The Sniper” and “The Fan Club” Compared and contrasted their mission or their checklist. Both the short stories have different conflicts. But however one is based on the Republican verses Free Staters (“The Sniper” story) and the other one are based on Normal High School Students verses the Popular High School Students. In the short story “The Sniper” and “The Fan Club”, they both share one common Theme, but however they both are different however, one is based on the Republican verses Free Staters (“The Sniper” story). The Theme would be choosing one target to eliminate them from their mission or their checklist. The sniper is very patient in the beginning so he decides to eat his sandwich because he has not eaten anything since morning and also he was too excited to start eating. When he was done he drinks a little whisky that he took out of his pocket.

Then when he was done drinking his whisky he felt like to take the risk to light his cigarette, he knew what danger could be behind that move, the risk of getting shot. All of a sudden BAM! there was one shot and BAM! again another shot, from the other side of the roof where his enemies are waiting to kill him and his also waiting to kill them. Armored car pulls up and his heart start to beat like nuts falling off the trees like crazy. But he had to be patient a little longer because he knew that if he shot it won’t kill anyone in that armored vehicle. The sniper has his eye watching that armored vehicle. A few minutes later a lady comes and as you know she stopped and talked to the man in the armored car about him being up there. So pretty much she was an informer. The man comes out of the armored car and looks up, as he looks up the sniper is ready for action. Bam! The man is down; the informer (the lady) starts to run towards the side of the street and BAM! She is down too but all of a sudden, from across the street the other sniper fires. Unfortunately the sniper is wounded in his right arm so he dresses his self-up by the wound; by using Iodine bottle and cotton waddings.

The sniper who fired at the other sniper, who killed the men and the women, are the Free Staters who are compromised with the Britain and they obtained a limited amount of independence. While the sniper that is wounded is one of the Republicans that want Ireland to become a republic and they want to be totally free from the British rules. In the short story “The Sniper” and “The Fan Club”, they both share one common Theme, but however they both are different however, one is based on Normal High School Students verses the Popular High School Students (“The Fan Club” story). The Theme would be choosing one target to eliminate them from their mission or their checklist. It all starts from a flashback that had occurred Friday in the month of March. It all started outside of Laura’s locker where the group that she got embarrassed by, in Algebra 1 on Friday. She heard the giggling and she felt that they were laugh at her and they were up to something new because she heard that ”She’ll probably run out of the room”. It all started when the teacher asked Laura a question from the homework assignment that she had. But unfortunately she only did half of it done because she then started to draw pictures of flowers and guitar. She tried so hard to memorize the theorems but got distracted by the drawings.

Then she starts to dream about her dreams and career paths then the teacher said have a sit. She felt so embarrassed and the clique, the popular people made fun of here. But back to reality, on Monday she felt like what is going to happen today because when she walked up to the lockers the clique were there chillin and talking to each other. The clique people are Diane, Terri, Steve, Carol, and Bill. Now that class has started, she heads down to her homeroom class and on the loud speaker they announce “We will now have the National Anthem”. Laura said in her thoughts “It is false and so pointless. The clique tried to surround her for some reason but the solid bell rang and she busted through that homeroom class like speedboat on water to her next class, which was English. She felt so pointless about the National Anthem because her speech for English class was on Civil Rights and before her speech the cliques were up to something so she started to freak out because of what happed last Friday. She clears her throat and starts to speak about Civil Rights and when the speech was done she took a big breath and finished up with “only Americans learn to respect the dignity of all people can we truly call our country free.”

The class was dead silent the teacher said “Very nice, Laura” next up was Rachel Hortensky. Rachel Hortensky was Laura’s friend back when they were freshman’s at High School, they shared only one common class and that’s how the mat each other. When Rachel got up to present her speech, the clique started to speak to each other and they started giggling and they were getting a yellow index card ready for something. Rachel’s Speech was on Shells when she was done with her speech the clique in the middle and showed the yellow cards to her on the yellow cards it had a drawing of a fat, frizzy-haired figure and printed in red block letters above and below it written HORTENSKY FAN CLUB. In the short story “The Sniper” and “The Fan Club both the short stories have different conflicts. But however, by reading these two stories it just feels like “Why are they doing this if it is only going to hurt or others in life and where is this going to take?” By comparing the and contrasting them in similar ways the both have the same theme but they also have enemies being built every time something new is added to the conflict which keep riding it everything gets settled.

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