Politics and Governance and the New Constitution

- Pages: 3
- Word count: 574
- Category: Constitution Philippines Politics
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Order NowObjectives: At the end of the session, the students are expected to:1.determine and identify the nature and circumstance that make a Filipino citizen2. understand the qualifications and disqualifications of the right to suffrage3. explain the nature, scope, and principles underlying the right of individuals to vote 4. acquaint themselves with the principles on citizenship, nature, concepts and legal bases5. know and understand the rights and obligations of citizenship| TEXTBOOKS, REFERNCES, URL’S: * Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. 2011 edition by Hector De Leon * Student Manual on the 1987 Constitution by Jose Nolledo * Primer on the 1987 Constitution by the Officers of the 1986 Constitutional Commission| STUDY GUIDE PROPER: The Meaning of Citizenship and CitizenCitizenship is a term denoting membership of a citizen in a political societyCitizen is a person having the title of citizenshipKinds of Citizens under the Constitution1. Natural-born a. one who at the moment of their birth are already citizens of the Philippinesb. do not have to perform any act to acquire his Philippine citizenship.
Citizens at the time of the adoption of the new Constitution.They refer to those who are considered citizens of the Philippines under the 1973 Constitution at the time of the adoption of the new Constitution.3. Citizens through election.They refer to those who born of Filipino mothers before January 17, 1973 who upon reaching the age of majority elect Philippine citizenship after the ratification of the 1973 Constitution.4. Naturalized Citizen They refer to those who were originally citizens of another country, but who, by an intervening act have acquired new citizenship in another country.Citizenship Loss and ReacquiredA Filipino citizen may loss his citizenship in any of the following:1. Voluntarilya. by naturalizationb. by renunciationc. by subscribing to an oath of allegiance andd. by rendering service to the armed forces of another2. Involuntarilya. by cancellation of his of his certificate of naturalization andb. by being a deserter in the Phil. Armed Forces.Reacquisition of Lost Citizenship1. by naturalization provided there is no disqualification2. by repatriation and3. by direct act of the CongressEffects of marriage to an alienIt is under section 4 Article IV.
The exception is where “by their act or omission they are deemed , under the law, to have renounced their citizenship. Dual Allegiance of CitizenNote that what section 5 prohibits is not dual citizenship but dual allegiance of citizens. While it is not per se objectionable, the status of dual citizenship may be regulated or restricted by law where it is conducive or could lead to dual allegiance.Two principles governing citizenship by birth1. Jus sanguinis (Blood relationship)2. Jus soli or jus loci (place of birth)The Meaning of SuffrageSuffrage is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens of certain national and local election.Qualifications:Age and residenceOther substantive requirements prohibited
Disqualifications:1. any person who has been sentenced by final judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less than one year.2. any person who has been adjudged by final judgment by competent court for the crime of disloyalty to the duly constituted like rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti subversion laws or any crime against national security | EVALUATION: (Do this evaluation in your notebook and submit it as scheduled.) 1. Differentiate natural to naturalized – citizen to citizenship and jus sanguinis to jus soli. How can one acquire, lost and reacquire his citizenship? Explain the other substantive requirements which are prohibited in the exercise of suffrage. Good Luck as you Review for the Midterm.