Congress Essays

In his book Founding Brothers, Joseph J. Ellis explains in detail the interactions between the Founding Fathers, their friendships, and their means of addressing polarizing issues as they pertain to the formative years of the United States. There were times when political differences caused strain on the men of the …
During congressional elections, Americans usually vote for their favorite representatives. As part of the long-cherished democratic process in the United States, the participation of every American voter in an election signifies their trust and confidence in the principle of suffrage as the most effective mode to change or perpetuate an …
Republic Act 9700 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms (CARPER) Bill, that aims to redistribute all agricultural lands to landless farmers. Is an act amending several provisions of Republic Act 6657, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) of 1988. It was first filed as House Bill …
In its immediate aftermath, the famous description, “le Congres ne marche pas; il danse” (‘the Congress does not work; it dances’) was often seen as the most accurate summary of the events taking place during the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Beneath the façade of all the reveling, this gathering …
The bicameral structure of Congress was designed to enable the legislative body and its members to perform certain functions for the political system. These functions include lawmaking, representation, service to constituents, oversight, public education, and conflict resolution. The first of the functions of Congress is lawmaking. Lawmaking is the process …
That conference was really exciting; because that was the first time that I experience to join in that kind of gatherings for the IT dreamers like me. On the time that the seminar will started I actually felt overwhelmed, there’s an educator and speakers that have been shared their experience …
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