Military Essays

Article 86 of the UCMJ declares, “unauthorized absence — absence without leave, not being where you are supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there, a punishable offense.” The importance of being on time in the military (or anywhere at all), shows respect to those in the unit who …
At 18 years of age I was put on a Greyhound bus and shipped to Portland, OR just after celebrating Christmas with my family for what would be the last time. From there, I boarded an airplane headed to Atlanta, GA, and then another bus to Ft. Jackson, SC. From …
The consumption of alcohol is a great component as to why sexual assault still occurs in the Army. Approximately 44 percent of sexual assault crimes involve the consumption of alcohol, by the victim, the offender, and even sometimes both. Being under the influence has also been proven to increase aggression, …
Today our Soldiers conduct complex military operations worldwide with an enemy that is unpredictable. The United States armed forces conduct operations among civilians; therefore, predicting how events will unfold it is extremely difficult. It is essential for military leaders to learn from their experiences, think critically and analytically and effectively …
Medal of Honor was the best medal awarded for valor and gallantry in combat this award was given to military forces for putting yourself out there for a better cause even if there was a great risk that you could take. This shows that they or that person did over …
In May 2002, I called my mother for the last time before I got on the airplane to Afghanistan. I told my mother for the first time that I loved her and my mother told me that she will pray for me according to the prayer of General McArthur for …
There is a problem with not enough Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel graduating the EOD pipeline in order to sustain the force. There are two-phases for the EOD pipeline that are both physically and academically challenging. The preliminary (prelim) phase, at Sheppard Air Force Base (AFB), is 26 days long …
Thru my career as an enlisted Soldier, I have interacted with many substandard Noncommissioned Officers (NCO). All of them are the most fundamentals assets, as we are called on our creed” Backbone of the Army”. We are referred to as the accomplishers of missions and served in each of them …
Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most overlooked psychological disorders in society. For the longest time it was not looked at as a serious problem. Post-traumatic stress disorder is indeed an issue. Within this essay, I will be discussing its effect on army veterans and sexual assault survivors. When …
All 14 patients treated with neurofeedback had decreased their medication requirements through follow-up. Among traditionally treated patients, only one patient decreased medication needs, two reported no change, and 10 required more psychiatric medications. This shows that not only is neurofeedback a proven, effective treatment option for veterans, but may also …
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