Army Essays

Article 86 of the UCMJ declares, “unauthorized absence — absence without leave, not being where you are supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there, a punishable offense.” The importance of being on time in the military (or anywhere at all), shows respect to those in the unit who …
At 18 years of age I was put on a Greyhound bus and shipped to Portland, OR just after celebrating Christmas with my family for what would be the last time. From there, I boarded an airplane headed to Atlanta, GA, and then another bus to Ft. Jackson, SC. From …
For over many decades, the Selective Service and the enlistment necessity for the youth of America have served as a reinforcement to provide labor to the U.S. Military. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 which made the nation’s first peacetime draft, establishing the Selective …
The Focused Areas Writing Assignment (FAWA) are Force Management and Force Development. The paper will identify and explain the purpose and actions of any four phases of the Army Organizational Life Cycle Model (AOLCM) by providing a hypothetic example to illustrate how the process works. Likewise, it is going to …
In 1914, men “flocked to the colours”. Many wanted to impress sweethearts or wives, hundreds wanted to have a “crack at the Kaiser” and “fight back the Hun” like the crusaders centuries before them. Others wanted to fight for and protect their King and country and some wanted to save …
The My Lai massacre was a mass murder of innocent Vietnamese civilians. It is known as the worst atrocity of the Vietnam War. Lieutenant William Calley led the first platoon of Charlie Company during its service in the Quang Ngai province in Vietnam. The massacre took place in the hamlets …
United States army field manuals contain important and detailed information and procedures regarding various operations undertaken by soldiers in the field. They act as a guide to army operations either in the country or in any other world environment. In this context, field sanitation manual labeled FM 4-25.12 contains information …
The Future of the Army Profession written by Don M. Snider and Lloyd J. Matthews is published by Mc-Grawl Hill, Boston in 2002. This book examines certain outcomes on Army Training and Leadership Developments as it uses comparable scenarios between the Army and other professions. Military professionalism is also …
The battle of the Alamo occurred in the 19th century between Mexico and rebel Texas forces at the time of the Texas Revolution. It occurred at the Alamo Mission, San Antonio in Texas. The battle had various high profile personalities such as David Crockete, a Tennessee congressman, James Bowie an …
Abstract With the boat races, the variables required for achieving top performance are: strength and coordination, rowing techniques, psychological dimensions, and program organizations. As Snook & Polzer puts it, coaches will have different variable considerations. In this case according to the team selection criterion used, proper consideration on technique, strength …
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