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Natural Attraction Certain Perfumes and Scents

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  • Word count: 396
  • Category: History

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Certain perfumes and scents can double as aphrodisiacs to increase your sexual drive and attractiveness without a lot of work.
Scent is the language of sexuality. Because certain smells can stir your emotions and feelings, they have a huge impact on the brain and are irresistible to men. Try wearing these scents below individually as perfumes or use them as sexy massage oils. 1. Lavender

Throughout history, lavender has been known as the herb of love, and its beautiful, sweet scent is a big turn-on for men. Fresh lavender often can be found at farmer’s markets and fairs, but lavender oil is the easiest way to wear the scent. Make your own perfume by mixing 10 drops of the oil with chamomile and glycerin — or buy a perfume, such as Yardley London’s English Lavender Perfume. L’Occitane also makes a lavender spray for homes, which can be very enticing when spritzed on your pillows and sheets. 2. Sandalwood

Sandalwood, a pungent and woody scent that hails from the Orient, is used extensively in expensive perfumes and colognes. As an aphrodisiac, sandalwood is used to treat impotence and help relieve anxiety, so this is a perfect scent to use around your man. Sandalwood also smells very similar to small quantities of androsterone, a chemical similar to testosterone — which means that it sends out very subtle, but effective, erotic signals to the opposite sex. You can buy sandalwood in oil form or in perfumes. 3. Jasmine

Jasmine is universally known as an aphrodisiac and is one of the principal plants used in perfumes. It has a rich, sweet smell and is thought to be warming and seductive. In India, jasmine oil has been used for centuries to help improve the libido. Jasmine is the main ingredient in the Blvgari Jasmin perfume. Or, burn a jasmine candle in the bedroom, such as this one, to rev up the romance. 4. Pheromones

Pheromones are chemical signals released from one person that trigger a response in another. There are all kinds of pheromones, but the sexual pheromones are what most people mean when talking about them. Pheromones, in and of themselves, have no smell, but they are often added to regular perfumes to enhance one’s natural sexual scent. Kiss from PureRomance.com is a light mist that is reminiscent of a Bath and Body Works spray.

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