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Learners are the main clients to every educator and therefore it is important that they are always
motivated. In the olden days, educators were of the view that learners should somehow be inherently
motivated, not aware of the role that they have to play in the motivation of the learners.  There are certain factors that an educator needs to take into account in order to ensure that learners  are motivated and the most important of it all is creating an environment which is conducive for  learning.


What is motivation?
Motivation is the driving force that causes the flux from desire to will in life, it is the literal desire to do  things. Learners do have the role to achieve set learning outcomes at school, however, as a n educator, I  have the role of ensuring that they are motivated enough to achieve those set outcomes.


Intrinsic motivation influences learners to choose a task, get energized about it and persuit until they  accomplish it successfully regardless of whether it brings about immediate reward. This type of  motivation is seen when learners actively seek out and participate in activities without having to be  rewarded by materials or activities outside the learning task.


Extrinsic motivation is when learners are motivated by an outcome that is external or functionally  unrelated to the activity in which they are engaged.

As an educator, I have to act the part by showing just how motivated I am to my learners even by the  way I present my lessons or the type of teaching method that I use. Motivated learners are the type of  learners who initiate actions, expend effort and persist in that effort.



Feedback motivates learners and encourages them. The feedback should be directed at the student  actions and not their character. Feedback also helps learners to believe in themselves and their abilities,  even appreciating things such as improved handwriting in a learner. Though feedback encourages  learners, I must continue to show that I value effort more than ability.


As an educator I should refrain from grouping that exclusively promotes ability. Grouping learners based  on ability sometimes make learners think that an educator values ability exclusive of effort and this may  cause learners to become demotivated. They will in turn see no value of the hard work they do.


Promoting co operation over competition is done by using co operative learning which is assigning  learners of varying abilities , ethnicity, gender mix to small groups that pursue common goals together.  On this level, I ensure that every member is given a role to play, either as a recorder, researcher, or a  summarizer in order to foster the group’s goal.


Learners should believe that their efforts to learn and mastering new skills will not be in vain. This  depends on how realistic their set goals are. Unreached goals may cause learners to doubt their ability  and to approach learning tasks with lessened commitment to learning.


Communication is the transmission of an idea by someone referred to as the sender and the  understanding thereof by another (receiver). Communication is perfect only when both the sender or  receiver have the same understanding or interpretation of message.


During this process, a purpose expressed as a message to be sent out is needed. This is the case when as  an educator; I convey a message or give a lesson to students. The sent message passes between a  source (sender) and a destination (receiver). The message is then encoded (converted to a symbolic  form) and is passed by a way of some medium (channel) to the receiver who then translates (decodes)  the message initiated by the sender.


Effective communication helps us better understand a learner’s or situations and it also enables us to  resolve differences, build trust and respect and create learning environments where creative ideas,  problem solving, affection and caring can flourish. These skills can better connect an educator with  learners. An educator needs to understand that communication should be spontaneous rather than  formulaic. When presenting a lesson as an educator, it should not appear or be presented as a speech  that is read as it will have no impact.


Effective listening is the most important communication aspect. When an educator listens to learners,
they can ;
Feel heard and understood which can build a stronger and a deeper connection with educator

Create an environment where every learner feels safe to express their ideas, opinions and feelings.

Save time as learners will know that as a lecture I understand them

Relieve negative emotion. The learners will be at ease knowing that they have been heard.

In order to reach all objectives, an educator must focus on the learners when they speak, avoid interrupting them or being judgmental and lastly show interest when the learners are speaking.


The way you look as an educator, move, react or listen to your learners tells them more about how you  feel without saying so many words. As an educator I can also use facial expressions, postures and  gestures in order to ensure that my message to learners goes across quite well. As an educator I can  enhance nonverbal communication by using open body language, arms uncrossed, standing with an  open stance and maintaining eye contact with the learners. An educator can use nonverbal signals that  match up with their words, adjust nonverbal signals according to context.


Teaching is about relationships between the educator and the learner. An educator should be consistent  in their behavior, be open and approachable to ensure a healthy relationship. Using humour, friendly  greetings and non verbal supportive behavior may help improve such relations. A plan that emphasizes  the prevention of misbehavior in human relations should be implemented. Teachers should work  together with learners from a position of social equality.

Authority is very important in the classroom though an educator should not plan rules without  consulting the learners. Authority is essential but an educator should establish a less authoritarian  working relationship with learners without losing control in the classroom.


The teacher learner relationship in the classroom should be based on mutual respect and trust. This is  achieved by educators being in close relationships with learners when making decisions that affect the  class. Teachers and learners should work as a team to achieve predetermined goals and objectives of the lesson.

When there’s a teamwork environment relationship between educator and learner, there is less  hindrance and learners work harmoniously with others. This according to Deiro (2005, 10) is an example  of influential relationship. Influential relationships are formed to create a challenge in one or both  parties in the relationship. The teacher constantly modifies learner’s behaviours.


In order to have an environment that is conducive to learning, there should be a plan that enforces rules  and regulations that are followed whereby learners are aware of what are expected behaviours from  learners.

Discipline is the practice of care and respect for others and the individual learner. It safeguards the  rights of people who are exposed to uncooperative, aggressive or blocking responses by others.  Discipline should not be constued as solely a clamp down of unruly, mischivious and disruptive behavior  but as a means of entering into a loving, caring and guiding relationship with learners.

Discipline should be corrective and nurturing according to South African Schools Act , 84 of 1996 Section  11(2). Educators should not impose any form of punishment which is harmful to learners self esteem. Physical punishment as well as emotional castigation should not be used. As an educator I can promote  the development of self discipline. I can model true discipline ship for learners to emulate. My learners should be made to feel emotionally comfortable and physically safe so that the learners can develop self  discipline which is referred to as intrinsic discipline and accountability in their actions.

Educators have to create an environment which each learner is guided towards an attitude of caring and  respect for other learners. As an educator I must work collaborately with the learners, this means  recognizing learners as partners in education though by not allowing them to take control of the  learning situation.


A classroom discipline policy is a system that allows an educator to express the behavior expected from  learners as well as what they can expect from me as an educator.


A classroom needs a set of procedures to manage the array of activity that students create. As an  educator, from time to time my expect actions and the learners action will conflict. It is important to  review such expectations during the first days of school especially those that relate to discipline. A  classroom code of conduct should be the first subject and learning outcome in a lesson plan. It will  remain as the point of reference for both the educator and learner throughout the year.


Establish expectations
The expectations should be written down and shared in the classroom. It should include  acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. Learners should also take part in discussing the listed  behaviours. The list should be kept minimal to ensure effectiveness.

Establish incentives or consequences
Consequences should be positive, frequent and varied. Negative consequences should be logical  and progressive. Furthermore I may add a system of how the learners can dig themselves out of  a hole and lastly make it clear that certain behaviours will require special and immediate action  which may even be suspension or sanction.

Establish a method for giving students a constant stream of affirming and corrective feedback

As an educator is should be able to show appreciation when learners are doing well and  behaving as expected. Every positive behavior is an opportunity for feedback. Corrective  feedback should be quick, clear and focused on the future.


Motivation is something that educators needs to instill in learner’s minds. When learners are motivated  especially by their educator they feel confident that they will reach the set goals and objectives. A  classroom is a place where learners spend atleast up to 7 hours in on a daily basis hence it should in all  aspects feel like home though without learners forgetting the main reason for being there which is to  learn.  Learners prefer to an have an approachable educator with whom they can relate with. By maintaining a  good learner educator relationship, they will without force be able to behave in the manner that they  are expected to behave. This will save both the learner and the educator from conflict and time wastage. Communication is vital as all lessons resemble a message, being decoded either to the learner  or educator. It’s important that both parties communicate effectively to create a sustainable positive  atmosphere.


www.helpguide.org/effective communication

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