Audience Essays

‘A Lady of Letters’ is a play about a mature spinster who is very lonely and spends her time writing letters to strangers, often getting her into trouble. It stars Patricia Routledge as Irene Ruddock who is the opinionated and irritating lady of letters. The play is written in the …
Shakespeare clearly shows the audience from the beginning of the play that Hero and Claudio love each other. Both characters play quite important parts in the play, but their characters are quite simple and plain. Beatrice and Benedick, however, are both strong, outspoken characters that appeal more to the audience, …
Much Ado About Nothing is a short play by Shakespeare, which has comedy, romance, suspense and a lot of drama twisted into several hundred lines of verse. The ending is happy, however, and little has changed albeit two marriages. The play is important, not because of its subject matter, but …
Lady Macbeth is the wife of Macbeth. After concerning a battle Macbeth accidentally bumps into three witches, his life drastically changes after this gathering. The witches predict he will hold three important roles in the future, “All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! Hail to thee, thane of …
The horoscope from ’19’ is informal. Colloquial language is used to relate to the audience, for example ‘bagged yourself some gorgeous hunk’, which has connotations of catching. The language is figurative, with use of metaphors such as ‘worships you like the goddess you are’. The lexical field is astrology, conveying …
The intended audience of my article is a middle aged one. Many will be able to relate to George Best as he was in the headlines when the reader was growing up. Therefore the background to Best’s life in the 60s and 70s, which is included, would make sense to …
I’m going to compare the credits of two soap operas and consider how they gently introduce the audience to the soap. The two soaps I will be studying are Coronation Street and Emmerdale. I will be thinking about how each shot creates a certain atmosphere and what helps create the …
Hedda Gabler is a dramatic, exciting, confusing and at times unpleasant character, who is frustrated by a lack a freedom where she cannot be the wild and unstable free spirit that she wishes and this shines through throughout the play. From this frustration comes immense boredom which is in her …
Journalist is a group of writers who aims at mass audience. They should have discipline, willingness, punctuality and truthfulness in every articles they are about to make. July 20, 2013 —— The Lakers Chronicles, counsel by Mrs. Bernadette Daquil declares its new staff of journalist for school year 2013-2014, during …
As a writer, the ability to tailor one’s language to the audience is just as important as being knowledgeable about the subject one is writing about. Readers differ not only in reading ability but also in their familiarity with a given topic and in what they expect to gain …
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