News Essays

This has always been my fear, the fear of what is going to happen next? Am I going to blend in or will I become the odd? I knew from the beginning that it would never be easy and I would hate it, nevertheless, I took a shot at it …
Mr Murry was seriously injured in a hit and run accident in London on the 7th of March, 1995. He was then flown two hundred miles away to Leeds for medical attention, because of a shortage of beds. I have decided to look at the coverage of his plight, printed …
The angel of the north is a sculpture which stands at the entrance to Gateshead, and articles have been written about the modern representation of an angel. Anthony Gormly won the competition to erect this statue suitable for the north east area of Gateshead. There are two entirely different structures …
My first piece of original writing is a newspaper article which is intended for a broadsheet paper like The Times or The Guardian. For my article I decided to write about rape. This is a subject that I personally feel strongly about. Rape is considered a taboo subject as no …
The paper contains one of the main news stories on the front page, a section on all news, a section on the arts, a separate paper fpr the sports, financial matters, and stocks. This paper is a more serious paper, for older readers. Title of main story: “Heads ready to …
Most news is predictable e.g. we know when the G8 summit is, and we know that the Olympics is on every 4 years. But when the unpredictable occurs such as a terrorist attack, it poses difficulties for news companies because they have to organize themselves in a very short time, …
Does Tesco really care about their suppliers? For this topic, we do have some mixed comments. Recently we had multiple complaints from suppliers across the UK complaining about the way Tesco treats its suppliers and whether it cares about them or not. We’ve heard the phrase again and again “we …
INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Paper Mache originally, papier mache, means chewed paper. Despite its French sounding name, it is really not made in France although; France is the first country in Europe to do so. Paper Mache actually originates from China. They use paper mache to make helmets. to …
The contrast in viewpoints between Huffington Post and Fox News in general could not be more pronounced, as each endeavor to cater to specific viewpoints; in the case of Huffington Post more Liberal, and Fox News more Conservative leaning. However because this story relates to a proposal that is being …
JIM THORPE, Pa.—Government workers all over the country are getting layoff notices, but not in Carbon County in eastern Pennsylvania. Workers there are getting bonuses. For the first time in eight years, the county’s nearly 370 nonunion workers are getting a holiday bonus—anywhere from $100 to $200, depending on whether …
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