
After reading the chapter of Burkeman’s “What would Seneca do?” about Stoicism, having things in one’s life is being out of one’s control is one reason why living their life in caught up in error and unexamined opinion. At the end of Burkeman’s chapter Burkeman represents that people think they …
In the article, it discusses the recent scandal pertaining to the designer brand Gucci. Gucci released a sweater known as the balaclava that caused a major uproar. In the article it states, “The top, which is no longer on the company’s website, is a black turtleneck sweater that pulls up …
Topic that is being persuaded: The meaning of love. Main Point: Misconception of love, what people need to do. Theme: Love Introduction/ Attention getter: I love you so much that I would do anything in this world for you. I love you so much that I can’t stand being away …
Evelyn Schechter This week in class we were introduced to the topic of our first essay: determining whether an examined life is the only morally worthwhile life. The concept of an examined life was introduced by Socrates and recorded by Plato, in Apology. We were also provided with a recommended …
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