Debate Essays

The connection between geniuses and mental disorders is a debate that has covered years of research performed by scientists. The side who supports the connection provides anecdotal evidence, such as a family member who had a certain mental disorder is somehow inherited through the next generation. Research conducted showed desirable …
There is much debate in our modern times over what exactly the founders of the United States thought or felt about our political cornerstones (the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and others). Much has changed in the centuries since the beginning of our nation (which is why many debate that the …
As the effects of gun control become an increasing topic of current events, it is time that we take the initiative to learn each side of gun control; strong and weak. Stated in the constitution, “Citizens have the right to bear arms” (2nd amendment, Bill of Rights). This is the …
The Candidate starts with the campaign manager, Marvis Lucas, going to California so he can select Bill Mckay as the Democratic senator. Because there was an open Senate seat against incumbent Crocker Jarmon, they decided to choose Bill Mckay. Bill dislikes anything to do with politics, so Lucas persuades him …
In July 2006, a debate broke out on the “Star Wars Canon” Wikipedia talk page, having largely to do with questions of authority, and who has the power to deem something ‘canon’ (i.e. elements of a fictional world deemed authentic by fans and/or creators). One side contended that only George …
Institutions can also come to replace the author entirely. For instance, on October 30, 2012, the Walt Disney Company assumed control of Lucasfilm after a $4 billion sale. Lucas stepped down as Lucasfilm president, to be replaced by Kathleen Kennedy; this move effectively stripped Lucas of much (if not all) …
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,” was said by Martin Luther King Jr., and holds true today. The right to free speech is more than a right, it is also a privilege. We live in a society where free speech is used …
1. Should all pilots have to retire at the age of 60? As I read the article it seems to be an interesting point that has risen. Several questions come in to play when considering if a pilot should retire or have the capability of remaining working. As one would …
My dear first opponent of the opposition team keep on stressing over and over again on how much we as a so called “new generation” benefit more from present hobbies than past time hobbies. But to our dismay ladies and gentlemen, she obviously is not being clear to herself regarding …
In May 2013, Singapore’s media regulator, the Media Development Authority (MDA), introduce a new licensing framework regulating online news sites operating in Singapore. The move came as a surprise to many and elicited a wide array of responses. The Asia Internet Coalition (AIC), an industry association formed by eBay, Facebook, …
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