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John Donne’s ”Mediation 17” and Simon Paul’s ”I am a Rock”

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While reading two pieces of literature, John Donne’s “Mediation 17 and Simon Paul’s “I am a Rock” both artists have differ in style of writing but at the end of the day, both artist refer to the same concept of life. John Donne talks about how everyone should be connected whereas Simon paul talks about isolation. John Donne’s “Mediation 17” and Simon Paul’s “I am a Rock” both differ in style, the use of metaphors but the end result of both contrast the importance of humanity. John Donne literature reminds us that we are all interconnected and loved by everyone. The Metaphors used in Mediation 17 by John Donne help the poem itself sounds better. An example of a metaphor is “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main”. These quotes / metaphors make a comparison between how people are interconnected and valued evenly. Mediation 17 also contrasts the importance of humanity and connection , When one baptizes a child, that action concerns others; for that child is thereby connected to that body which is can be someone else’s head too, and ingrafted into that body whereof I am a member.

And when someone dies, that action concerns all mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. On the other hand, Paul Simon literature talks about isolation and how people are not connected as a society with one another. This poem speaks of an individual being so hurt by the world that he has decided to shut himself away from it. Metaohorps used in I am a rock is the title it self. When one starts reading the poem, one understands that the story is talking about isolation.. Metaphors expressed in this poem are imagery to produce the character’s mood for the reader.

Further on in the poem the reader also sees more metaphors such as “I am an island” and because of these examples of metaphors the reader understands that he is trying to compare himself being left out and isolated. In conclusion, both Simon and Paul talked about humanity one way or the other and love and peace. Simon talked about how one is isolated but in a way where at the ebd it talks about love. John from the beginning talked about interconnection and how everyone is valued evenly. Individualism has pervaded society today and affects families and relationships such that it becomes about us rather than us. The truth is that the individual is a vicious lie that none of us can bear. Nevertheless, both artists, John Donne and Simon Paul contributed greatly on humanity, love, effection, and interconnection, and both used great use of metahphors and different styples of writing.

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