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How To Keep Our Body Healthy

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The health condition of people nowadays is undoubtedly worse than that of their counterparts in the past. Excessive food intake, love physical activity, unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle are main contributors. This problem has received much attention in the media of late. Advertisements and mass media are encouraging people to live a healthy lifestyle and giving advice on how to keep fit and healthy. Turning a deaf ear to their advice is to court trouble.

Healthy food intake and lifestyle contribute much to keeping our body healthy. Despite knowing this statement, more and more people tend to visit fast food outlets instead of eating at home. Suffice to say, it has become an unhealthy vogue. We all know that deep-fried food containing high level of cholesterol, fat and sugar, for certain, will adversely affect our health. Yet most of us choose otherwise. But it is still not too late for us to change and go for more wholesome food such as fruits, vegetables and less oily food. This change will prevent us from contracting chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and so on.

Besides, we should exercise regularly. According to doctors, exercising at least twice a week can lead us to a healthy life. The hustle and bustle of city life necessitates people to work throughout the day. Being ignorant of the importance of exercise, many of them use their idle time to go shopping or playing computer games or both, instead of doing exercises. In all probability, such people would end up suffering from all sorts of diseases. Therefore, we should avoid learning it to our cost.

Prevention is better than cure. To live a healthy life, people are advised to go for medical check-up frequently. This statement is fully well-founded as the diseases we are suffering from could be cured before it takes a turn to the worse. In addition, from the report of the check-up, not only can we know whether our healthy condition is good or bad but also take measures to keep our body fit and healthy.

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