Biodiversity Essays

This article is about a new ecological study on how past climate change affected the planets ecosystem and how that data is being represented in figuring out how climate change is going to affect the planet in the future. In this article the main argument is that climate change is …
Discussion: Biodiversity is the number of different varieties of species living in one ecosystem. Hence if there are many kinds of different species living in an ecosystem, the biodiversity is higher. Higher biodiversity increases the survival rate of the species. This is because, if one particular species is contaminated, extinguished …
Introduction Biodiversity is defined as the abundance and variety of organisms, genes and communities in nature. Pitfall traps were used to compare populations and communities of invertebrates in two different parts of the Nyabweya region, Uganda, with the hope of finding out whether human activities would decrease the biodiversity of …
1. INTRODUCTION: India with her states is rich in biodiversity. The State of Uttar Pradesh although not that much biologically diversified nevertheless it has significant biodiversity. The main reason behind comparatively less biodiversity in U.P. lies in fact that it falls in Plain area where forest covers are scanty (9.01% …
Introduction Since the turn of 20th century, there have been a lot of pressures from the growing population and human activities like industrialization that have continuously destabilized the world ecosystems. Human expansion has led to destruction of important ecosystems threatening the flora and fauna. The concept of biodiversity hotspot is …
INTRODUCTION The whole eco-system is an extraordinary gift that we have received as natural heritage and it is doing a tremendous amount of good for all humankind: creating soil, cleansing water, creating the very air we breathe, all free! We live in extraordinary times and we know how great the …
The nation of Malaysia, which encompasses part of the island of Borneo Malaysia holds tropical rainforests as well as peat swamp forests, both of which feature diverse ecosystems threatened by a number of human activities ~High rate of deforestation ~Threatens a number of endangered species, such as the orangutan, which …
Time Period Impact to Forest Groundwater Levels Saltwater Intrusion Farming Industrial Development Population 1800s Large amounts of forest existed. Large amounts of Groundwater existed. No saltwater intrusions. Not a lot small farms. No large cities existed. Limited populations/housing. 1900s Decreased by 50%. Decreased by 50%. Oceans moved into groundwater. Farms …
Students role in conservation of environment Students, the most powerful stratum of the society, know the importance of environment and nature sustainability. Nature has endowed us with all the resources to which maximum beneficiary is human beings. Nature has full proof system of protection of all the creatures and environment …
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