Enzyme Essays

How can the Michaelis Menten constant for the dextrase content of yeast be calculated with simple experiment on hydrolysis of sucrose? Introduction: In anaerobic conditions yeast cells break down sugar molecules into ethanol and produce carbon dioxide. The process is called alcoholic fermentation. The equation of this process is: C6H12O6 …
In this study of increasing target temperature of enzyme catalase coated onto paper filter disks reacting through 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in culture tubes, there was an increase in amount of time taken for the enzyme catalase coated filter paper disks to float to the top of the 3% hydrogen …
Problem: What effect will a change in temperature of hydrogen peroxide (C) have on the activity of the enzyme Catalase in potatoes measured by the height of the bubbles created by the reaction in a test tube? Hypothesis: All enzymes either breakdowns substances and\or they put substances together. An enzyme …
Introduction Enzymatic browning is a biochemical process in which plant (fruit or vegetable) tissues take on a brown color when exposed to oxygen. This experiment was conducted to test the affect temperature on the rate of browning of a Malus domestica or more commonly known as the Fuji apple, immersed …
Aim: The purpose of this investigation is to experimentally determine the effect a change in substrate concentration, Hydrogen Peroxide, (H2O2) will have on the rate of action (measured in time taken to surface due to buoyancy of O2 gas)of an enzyme (Catalase). Background: The human body functions due to the …
How does the solute concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide affect the enzyme rate of homogenized liver catalyze? Theory The Effect of Catalase1 Liver and other living tissues contain the enzyme catalase. As with all enzymes, catalase of homogenized liver is a protein, meaning that it is synthesized within the cell from …
Aim: Investigate the effect of a factor that influences enzyme activity Background: Scientists attended a Pre Lab discussion about enzymes reviewing the many factors that should commonly affect enzymes such as temperature, poison, pH, number of enzymes and solubility. The role of enzymes was also reviewed in order for students …
1. Design 1.1 Defining the problem 1.1.1 Focus Question- What will happen to the rate of reaction of the amylase in the starch when the temperature is changed? 1.1.2 Hypothesis- The rate of reaction of amylase in starch will change as the temperature is changed. 1.1.3 Theory- A enzyme is …
The phenomenon of catalysis makes possible biochemical reactions necessary for all life processes. Catalysis is defined as the acceleration of a chemical reaction by some substance which itself undergoes no permanent chemical change. The catalysts of biochemical reactions are enzymes and are responsible for bringing about almost all of the …
Enzymes and their importance in plants and animals (25 marks) Enzymes are biological catalysts, which accelerate the speed of chemical reactions in the body without being used up or changed in the process. Animals and plants contain enzymes which help break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins into smaller molecules the …
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