Enzyme Essays

We performed these experiments to observe the effects of enzymes on the rate of reactions. We tested and compared the activity of the enzyme catalase on the substrate H2O2 in various states and percentages, and observed the absorption values of the enzyme-substrate relationship at different concentrations. Our results show that …
1.0 Introduction The human body is constantly working to remain healthy and functioning. In order to achieve this, the body needs a constant supply of energy as well as other vital nutrients. This is absorbed from the food we eat through a process called digestion. Digestion takes place in several …
An enzyme is a protein that speeds up or slows down a specific chemical reaction in an organism. A good rule of thumb is to remember that enzyme names end in β-aseβ. This will help in identifying enzymes in further readings. Generally enzymes are catalysts. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic …
Gelatine is a clear, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavourless solid substance, derived from the collagen inside the skin and bones of animals. Substances containing gelatine or functioning in a similar way are called gelatinous. gelatine is an irreversibly hydrolysed form of collagen. It is found in some gummy candies as …
Background: Enzymes are catalyst, which affect the rate of a chemical reaction. One consequence includes the cell to carry out complex chemical activities at relatively low temperatures. In these reactions the substrate binds reversibly to the active site. The cause of this is a decrease in the energy needed to …
Aim: The aim of the investigation was to investigate the effect of substrate concentration Hydrogen Peroxide H O (in %) on the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase (in 1/mean time). Prediction: As the substrate concentration (hydrogen peroxide) in % increases the rate of reaction in 1/mean rate increases …
Indigenous to the tropical climes of America, the papaya plant is now found in all tropical regions across the world. The papaya plant is normally small size and belongs to the Carica papaya or the Caricaceae family. The plant has a non-timbered trunk that is hollow and bears large, long …
Background Information: An enzyme is catalytic protein. It is the most important type of molecule found in living cells. Cells would not be able to function without enzymes. Enzymes speed up or slow down chemical reactions of the cells. It is usually easy to identify the names of enzymes because …
A. What is fermentation? It is a metabolic process that allows the production of ATP without need for oxygen B. Why is it important not to incubate the fermentation tubes beyond 24 hours? You may not get accurate results. Although sugar is the primary nutrient used, when a microbe runs …
Abstract Enzymes are the key to many of the chemical reactions that our bodies depend on to live. Without enzymes, we would not exist. These biological catalysts speed up the reactions as well as reduce the amount of activation energy needed to complete the process. Knowing how important enzymes are …
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