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Fieldtrip and Seminar

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  • Pages: 1
  • Word count: 193
  • Category: Education

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Fieldtrip is the most enjoyable activity in one’s university, because there are lots of educational that one’s student could learn while travelling and visiting the areas. Fieldtrip is also enjoyable part of experience of a student. It is the time where student can go out for educational purposes. With the help of fieldtrip, students can gain more knowledge by observing the environment, listening and specially to apply what did student learned and also to acquire new things. It is the opportunity of a student to explore outside in the school campus to socialize other people to become effectively and to decrease ashamed to in front.

Objective of fieldtrip
To attend IT youth congress to be educated on the different latest technology development in the field of information and communications technology. Attend trainings and/or symposiums on different education agencies and industries providing advanced technology related topics. To have exposure in the field of information technology industry based. For students and teachers to have the opportunity to interact outside of the lesson. To broaden cultural horizons y exposing students to cultural experience outside of home and school. To purge linkages on IT industry

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