Cannabis Essays

Prison Reform is important to promote since the number of people in prison has increased by almost 50% since 1994 when the crime bill was put in action to reconstruct Federal grant funding. Numbers have grown from 1.5 million to 2.2 million and 37% of those 2.2 million people behind …
Drug Addiction is an issue that has been increasing massively among society today. Illicit drug habits can just ruin or control everyone from achieving their objectives, goals and dreams throughout life. People sometime feel that they are too splendid or to incredible, or too much in control to become addictive. …
The legalization of marijuana is an issue that consistently discussed and debated, not only in North America, but throughout the entire world. Despite being illegal in every country, marijuana remains the most widely used illicit drug in the world. The popularity of this drug is the cause for the continuous …
War, sickness, and other devastations are present in today’s society and many people in todays over all population are unaware that a plant is a major factor in such occurrences. Instead of trying to make a lie true to benefit corrupt individuals in the government, we the people should take …
Medical marijuana is a very common topic of the century in the United States. I would say the country is split 50/50 in favor and against legalizing marijuana nation wide for medical use. Every argument has its pros and cons, although the misconception of marijuana as a medical use has …
America is losing the war on drugs. The time has come for a serious change in marijuana-related policy. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, and is also the least harmful. It is arguably less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. The federal legalization of marijuana can be achieved by …
Peter Elbow’s introduction to “The Believing Game” and “The Doubting Game” is undeniably the easiest way for anyone to acclimate themselves into the art and the concept of critical thinking. Some of us are already predisposed to unconsciously operate in some of the principles explained by Mr. Elbow and use …
Recently, the issue of whether to legalize marijuana has arisen due to its benefits and the ineffectiveness of the current prohibition on it being recognized. There has been vehement argument about this idea weighing its advantages and disadvantages, and it has no sign of coming to an end soon because …
The legalization of marijuana will bring in much needed revenue to the US economy through tax revenue, the creation of jobs, decrease in the number of those incarcerated for marijuana possession, and help treat various health conditions that would otherwise cause an enormous amount of pain. Although marijuana is often …
INTRODUCTION: Why should be marijuana be legalized? Or actually a better question is why should marijuana be illegal? For a long time now legalizing marijuana has been a controversial topic. Especially when it comes down to marijuana and college students. So I am going to give you a few arguments …
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