Marijuana Essays

The legalisation of marijuana in Australia has been an ongoing issue for many years now, and due to the numerous questions it leaves us asking, many debates and opinions have formed over time. On Sunday the 20/12/2012, the Herald Sun Debate section published an article entitled ‘Would the legalisation of …
The legalization of marijuana is an issue that consistently discussed and debated, not only in North America, but throughout the entire world. Despite being illegal in every country, marijuana remains the most widely used illicit drug in the world. The popularity of this drug is the cause for the continuous …
Introduction Legalizing marijuana for specific illnesses such as cancer and HIV/depression is a controversial subject among people today. Authorities and many researchers have led to the belief that all use of marijuana is harmful. However, other reports from studies have claimed that the use of the cannabis for some particular …
Dear M.J., It’s been a long time. I just wanted to write this letter to tell you that this will be the last time you will be hearing from me. And I thought it would be best for the both of us if I told you why. I admit we …
Many Americans look at the legalization of marijuana as a gate way drug instead of the benefits our country can gain from it. Not legalizing pot is costing America money with the laws against recreational use. Marijuana is often compared to alcohol and the effects of resulted in the use …
America is losing the war on drugs. The time has come for a serious change in marijuana-related policy. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, and is also the least harmful. It is arguably less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. The federal legalization of marijuana can be achieved by …
Drug abuse among teenagers’ has become a number one problem in this decade. Drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, prescription drug, cocaine, heroin. In halants cocaine, and heroin, however are fast become the drug of choice for teens, and be doing that they can take an overdose and die. Sometimes a …
Legalizing marijuana has been a huge argumentive issue for a long time and over the last few years it has been an even bigger issue. Experts say that the most widely used drug is marijuana and is not considered as dangerous or as addicting as cocaine or heroin. This paper …
One of the topics that are constantly in the news now days is marijuana. Several people are for the legalization of marijuana and several articles will tell you the benefits of marijuana. It is less common to see articles now days that tell you about the side effects of the …
Marijuana has been the source of much debate in recent years. Many believe that this plant is special, and that this plant is less damaging than alcohol or tobacco. Some individuals believe it offers more than just physical and mental relief. They believe that it has the power to heal …
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