Marijuana Essays

Ever since the recreational use of weed was legalized in the states of Colorado and Washington I’ve wondered how it might affect athletes and sports in those areas. Would athletes be able to smoke as much as they want whenever they cross the states borders? Imagine a United States where …
There is a lot of controversy about legalizing marijuana. There are two sides of the story just like with everything else. Some people are all for making it legal. Then there are others that are totally against it. There are many aspects to look at when looking at the issue. …
Recently, the issue of whether to legalize marijuana has arisen due to its benefits and the ineffectiveness of the current prohibition on it being recognized. There has been vehement argument about this idea weighing its advantages and disadvantages, and it has no sign of coming to an end soon because …
The legalization of marijuana will bring in much needed revenue to the US economy through tax revenue, the creation of jobs, decrease in the number of those incarcerated for marijuana possession, and help treat various health conditions that would otherwise cause an enormous amount of pain. Although marijuana is often …
INTRODUCTION: Why should be marijuana be legalized? Or actually a better question is why should marijuana be illegal? For a long time now legalizing marijuana has been a controversial topic. Especially when it comes down to marijuana and college students. So I am going to give you a few arguments …
Thousands of people die every year from tobacco and smoking related illnesses, and hundreds of innocent people die every year in auto accidents caused by drunk drivers. It’s even possible to die from alcohol poisoning, but marijuana has never been directly attributed to any deaths. Despite all this, public opinion …
The history of marijuana is quite interesting. Marijuana has gone from being an important crop of the early settlers, to being outlawed in many countries, including the United States. To better understand marijuana, I will trace it back to its origins, and explain how marijuana was used in the beginning. …
The issue of legalizing marijuana, also known as Cannabis Sativa, has been controversial for a long time, and has become even more so in recent years. Cannabis Sativa is a plant that has been used for a variety of purposes by many cultures for thousands of years. Not only does …
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