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Evaluation Essay

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Adding art pieces to a classroom setting is a great way to veer students from dreading another boring day in school. Some may think art pieces being displayed would be a distraction but some differ. A poll from “Douglas Gould and Company and Keep Arts in Schools”, reports forty eight percent of American Adults want more art and music involved in high schools. I believe art in the classroom is a very beneficial idea and should be followed through with. In problem one I picked out several pieces of art I found sufficient to include in the classroom.

There are many educational benefits to displaying art in the classrooms students can see and observe. The history of art and artists are things students can take with them into their learning experience. During problem one, I myself learned many interesting and influential aspects about art I wish I could have learned before beginning my college career. For example while researching I learned about an artist named Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali was one of the greatest abstract artists of all time. Without discovering Dali I would have never looked into his era of art and learned many new things.

Art is also very influential to students. Students can be influenced to keep working hard, and focus on not giving up by seeing influential artwork. A piece of artwork I picked that I think would be a great asset to a classroom setting was, “Highway to Monument Valley”, a picture of U.S. Route 163. “Highway to Monument Valley”, is a beautiful piece, it shows a stretch of highway leading to a beautiful piece of land during the sunset. This piece of art inspired me to keep working hard and eventually I will reach my dreams and a wonderful life ahead of me. Other students can also relate to art just like me, and that would be a huge push of effort for students to care more about their school work and how hard they try.

Affordable? Many try to say that buying art would be a waste of money and cost way too much. I beg to differ, hence the educational and inspirational opportunities art being displayed in the classroom has so much potential to provide. With a small budget of only five hundred dollars during problem one, I found many replicas of art possible to purchase and could easily stay within budget. In this modern time internet has provided many opportunities to purchase replicas of famous statues, paintings, and other wonderful pieces of art appropriate for any age group varying from elementary to college level learning. Also why spend money on other things that are no good for the students such as snack machines or gift shops to waste their money on when there are other ways to brighten the lives of us all.

It can be concluded that art being placed in classrooms for students to see on a daily basis and have the ability to observe pieces of artwork is very beneficial. The educational opportunities are great and should be followed through with. This is for our future generations, not just fun. The expenses and affordability could easily be managed and be worked into priorities for student’s sake. Opportunities to influence student are available by including more art in the classroom. This collection of ideas contributes to why we definitely should work to get more art displayed in classrooms for students of all grade levels.

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