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US History Essays

The Progressive Era - Liberal or Conservative

During the latter part of the nineteenth century, presumably around the 1890’s, it became known as the Progressive Era, a time of change, reform, and adaptation. As Vernon L. Parrignton put it, it was a “democratic renaissance” (Vernon L. Parrington in The Progressive Movement: Liberal or Conservative). So what was …

Industrial Revolution Persuasive

Edmund Burke once said ,” Make revolution a parent of settlement, and not a nursery of future revolutions.” This comical yet straightforward quote can be realeated to a time in history called the Industrial Revolution. Throughout history there has been political, economical, social and cultural revolutions. These revolutions has had …

Comparison between McCarthyism and Salem Witch Trials

Potent similarities of different patterns and genres are found between the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism even though there was a significant period of time that separated them. The Salem witch trials began in 1692 and caused panic, confusion, and disorder as a result of witchcraft accusations in both Salem …

Reform movements in the United States

In the time of 1825-1850, United States officials and activists sought to expand the democratic ideals in which the country was founded. Activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton as well as many other women pushed for the right to vote, stating that both men and women were created equal, and …

1987 DBQ - First try at DBQ's

The United States Constitution was ratified in 1787 to make a stronger and better central government. Although it was hard to get it ratified, especially in the southern states, it was meant to keep the country together and to be the extreme law of the land. This document, although nearly …

The Industrial Revolution - Pros and Cons

Before the Industrial Revolution, technology was considered to be a candle, or a horse and buggy. But after coal was discovered and machines of all sorts were invented, the future of the way we lived held in this time period’s hands. In lots of ways, it was a good thing. …

Brief Summary of the Harlem Renaissance

Variously known as the New Negro movement, the New Negro Renaissance, and the Negro Renaissance, the movement emerged toward the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and then faded in the mid-1930s. The Harlem Renaissance marked the first time that mainstream publishers …

Macbeth - significant quotes and their meanings from Acts 1-5

Act 1 1. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” is stated in line 10 by the witches in the opening of the play. The significance of this paradox is that it sets us up for the doubleness of the play. It means what is fair to the witches is …

The industrial revolution as a turning point in world history

The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in world history. The term industrial revolution originally referred to the inventions and changes that transformed England, between 1750 and 1830, from a largely rural people making a living almost completely from agriculture to a urban or suburban society occupied more and …

"Great Depression" by John Steinbeck

How did The Great Depression influence the works of John Steinbeck? The purpose of this paper is to discover the role that the Great Depression played on the work of John Steinbeck. “I must go over to the interior valleys. There are about five thousand families starving to death over …

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