Teaching Essays

The decision made by educators has an essential role in the whole area of education. This is due to the fact that their actions has a direct effect in their students as well as themselves. Being a teacher entails that he or she should have the necessary competence and …
Teachers have expectations that gradually each child will become self-directed. Consequently, as children learn and become self-directed, adults simply ease into the background, allowing children to practice their self-direction. When adults understand human development, they avoid doing for children what the children can do for themselves. Throughout life, adults …
Abstract The continuously declining quality of education has alerted the US government to pass laws and challenged educational institutions to implement effective strategies to improve the survivability of students in elementary, high school and college (Kafer, 2004). Among these challenges is the eradication of gender bias in the teachers’ …
Particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States, there have been reports circulating about increasing levels of teacher shortages especially at the elementary and secondary levels. Whether or not there are indeed shortages in the supply of teachers has been debated and even more so the causes of such …
Introduction There are times that teachers grow tired with their work. Some teachers handle stress well and manage to replenish lost energies. There are others, however, who go through their routine day in and day out—only their will power sustains them. Sadly, there are also teachers who succumbed to …
Learners tend to misbehave at times and it is up to the teacher to restore order in the classroom. In a sense, this is a power struggle between the student and the teacher. If the teacher loses his ground, the student may become bolder next time and will be …
Introduction While many Western countries, especially the United States, are traditionally represented as a democratic society, with equal opportunity for all, a brief review of Western history indicates that this has only been a dream for many citizens, especially in education. In the united States, for example, the confinement …
Abstract Every teacher has his or her own reasons for wanting to take up the not necessarily enviable task of cultivating the minds of hundreds of students, each of whom has their own personal backgrounds and idiosyncrasies. In teaching, teachers give a part of themselves that is wholly immaterial, making …
Allowing children to form their own religious values was a mistake. Parents must have that responsibility of teaching religious values to their children. It used to be that children were given the space and freedom to determine how they felt best to comport themselves in society. It was …
School is an institution created by society for the transmission of culture and intellectual heritage to the oncoming generations and it is entrusted with the responsibility of “shaping the kind person” (Rubin 1973) needed for the maintenance and progress of the society. Therefore it becomes a prerequisite to understand the …
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