Teachers’ Decision

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The decision made by educators has an essential role in the whole area of education. This is due to the fact that their actions has a direct effect in their students as well as themselves. Being a teacher entails that he or she should have the necessary competence and credibility in order to educate other people. As such, teachers must adhere to certain principles in conducting themselves especially inside and outside of school.
Based on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s employee code of ethics, there are three principles that govern educators in order to achieve their main goal of educating all their students towards achieving their maximum potential. These core principles are: commitment to excellence, district and personal integrity, and responsibility (Los Angeles Unified School District (n.d.).
The core principles entail that in order to properly educate the students to the best of their ability the educator needs to see to it that certain factors must be observed and uphold. One of which is that teachers should set an example by doing their best to be a role model of excellence, integrity, and responsibility towards their work. They also have to establish an honest and sincere atmosphere in their dealings with their colleagues and student. Teachers have to see to it that they have an environment that is free from retaliation, which entails that problems are solved properly that prohibits threatening, harassing, punishing, and other forms of violence. Moreover, they also have to properly use their position by not using their authority to improperly affect other people or obtain special treatment because of their position (Los Angeles Unified School District (n.d.).
The Teaching Council further elaborated some guidelines regarding the conduct of educators inside and outside of school. Educators should prevent conflict of interests regarding their work and personal life especially when it comes with their concerns outside of school. Furthermore, teachers should also treat everyone in the school community with utmost respect and they should be looked at them equally regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, age, race, and religion (Teaching Council, 2007).
The above-mentioned discussions specify some of the principles that govern teachers in their decision making process. These serve as guidelines in their choices and actions in order for them to maintain their credibility as educators as well as to uphold the very essence of teaching and education.
Los Angeles Unified School District. (n.d.). Employee Code of Ethics. Retrieved July 23,
2008, from http://www.teachinla.com/new_teacher_resources/pdf/ EmployeeCodeofEthics0203.pdf
Teaching Council. (2007). Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Retrieved July 23,
2008, from http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/_fileupload/Publications/