Teaching Essays

I was the kind of child that always struggled to pay attention in school. I never wanted to be in class, except to visit with my friends. At times I wanted to drop out of school. I always felt like school was a big waste of time. Until I met …
Indeed, education is an ongoing process. We are always receiving and passing it on, adding something in the process, sometimes even taking certain things, impertinent from time to time, away from it while passing it on further. However, the industry of education is a serious one, requiring well-defined ethics and …
Different persons have different ambitions in life because they differ not only in tastes and temperament but also in innate tendencies and physical capabilities. There are three factors which guide persons to choose their profession. They are power, pelf and popularity. After long sustained self-analysis, I have come to conclusion …
Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles The role of a teacher is multi faceted. It not only requires the teacher to be able in terms of teaching their given subject, but they also have to be competent in many of the softer skills often taken …
This study employs ex-post factor research design to investigate the level of Availability and Utilization of ICT-Based Technology among biology teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were randomly selected from boarding and day public secondary schools in Ekiti state. Two instruments were developed, validated …
Great teachers are valued by students, parents and society. They are highly regarded because being an effective teacher takes a special set of skills that engages students and inspires them to work harder. The good news is that these skills are not limited to those born with them, you can …
Student teaching is a unique opportunity for inexperienced, pre-service teachers to develop a clear professional identity and explore the full responsibilities of a practicing teacher while having solid, supervisory support from an experienced educator. However, this valuable educational opportunity needs improvement in today’s Pakistani educational system. The study incorporated student …
There is no doubt that teachers play a critical part in a student’s school experience and learning. Teachers, who have the ability to motivate, encourage and understand their students and their individual circumstances can provide a positive school experience, and can contribute to student’s success in later life. Student’s present …
Abstract According to the Healthy People 2020 the goal for America is to increase the life expectancy which will help in children survival. Having goals such as more immunizations and less infectious diseases is one of the major goals. Acknowledging the disease and then coming up with the proper prevention …
The authentic reading text I have chosen for Elementary students is a recipe page from a popular magazine and is approximately 150 words long, excluding ingredients. The reason I have chosen this text is because it is current, relevant to daily life, informative, visually appealing, and also based on a …
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