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Novel Essays

Literature is a common subject for preparing essays and articles. Novel essays help students understand literary text more thoroughly. Usually, teachers do not give a task to prepare a summary of the book because this information is available on the Internet. Anyone can easily copy the text and paraphrase to preserve authenticity. That is why students have to show their analytical thinking when discussing a novel. However, without knowing the plot, it will be impossible to prepare a valuable article. At this page, you can find many novel samples on various themes. Use a search tool to find the necessary title for investigation.

The main aim of these free examples is to give students understanding of the content of novels. You can see how the author analyzes themes, symbols, protagonists, minor characters, the historical context of the paper and many other topics. Reading our samples is a good way to boost your writing skills and understand how the paper should be structured.

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An essay on "The Sampler" by Ira V. Morris

What defines us as a person? Is it how we look? Is it how rich we are, or how poor we are? This is a very complicated question, many people ask all the time. But is there really an answer to it? Isn’t it our acts and sayings that defines …

The story progresses hazara Hassan

The most prominent character Hoseinni introduces in the novel is the hazara Hassan. His absolute loyalty to Amir can be seen on multiple occasions. However, as the story continues, it becomes apparent that Hassan’s loyalty eventually leads to his inevitable death. At the beginning of the novel, Hassan vows, without …

Critical analysis of A novel Things Fall Apart

In Things Fall Apart, a novel written by Chinua Achebe,  the character of  Okonkwo is a valuable warrior of the Umuofia clan, a lower Nigerian tribe that is part of an association of nine villages in Africa. Okonkwo is troubled by the wrongdoings of his father, Unoka, due to him …

The Tang Dynasty in China

During the Tang dynasty, Dee Jen-dijeh, commonly known as Judge Dee, is the district magistrate of Chang-Ping. The novel, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, revolves around three complicated murders that Judge Dee and his advisors investigate. Judge Dee is a revered man who is well known for maintaining justice and …

Critical analysis of the Heart of Darkness

In Joseph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, the protagonist, Marlow, experiences a life-altering journey in the African Congo. The story considers the historical period of colonialism in Africa to illustrate Marlow’s struggles. He, like other Europeans of 1899, is brought up to believe certain things about colonialism, but his views …

Advent of a National Hero

This chapter introduces personal information about Rizal and described how gifted our hero is, and how he became the greatest national hero of our nation and what versatile gifts to him. First, the chapter introduces the Rizal’s family. Starting his birth, his exact birth actually which is June 19, 1861; …

The novel “The Scarlet Letter” overview

The novel “The Scarlet Letter” was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne during the mid-1800s. Throughout the novel there are many different themes and morals that are learned while reading the book. The theme of a novel is the main idea or lesson that is being taught in the story. It is …

The novel Animal Farm

There is a prominent weakness amongst all utopias that is a result of efforts to establish a society without imperfections. The imperfection seen in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is portrayed through important characters and leaders that seem to destroy the initial society dreamt of and later built. …

The Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall

In Dudley Randall’s poem, The Ballad of Birmingham, many different things can be analyzed. The poem was written to honor the victims and their families of a church bombing that took place during the civil rights movement in the 1960’s. This poem is not only about the tragic events of …

Races and Racism in Fiction

Racial and ethnic discrimination have been common in the United States ever since the colonial era and the slave era. White Americans were given exclusive privileges when it comes to education, voting rights and citizenships, while Native Americans, African-Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic and Latino-Americans suffered exclusion and various forms …

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