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Music Essays

The importance of music in my life

Music is a standout amongst the most imperative and capable things throughout my life. My existence without tunes and harmonies would be thoroughly unfilled, which is why I am writing this essay on why I love music to express my state of emotions after listening to deep, beautiful and meaningful …

A comparison of older vs. newer music generation

Music has been around for a very long time, and has seen a wide range of countenances and a wide range of styles. In the present age, individuals don’t generally tune in to music or recall music that occurred before the 1960s. In this day and age, the developing style …

Music helps development

Music has always been a part of different cultures across the world. It is a form of self-expression and freedom, and in a way is almost another language. To provide children the gift of music, they need to know about the instruments that make music and be allowed to freedom …

The 19 organ Praeludia

The 19 organ praeludia composed near the end of the 17th century form the heart of Buxtehude’s work and are ultimately considered some of his most important contributions to music literature of the seventeenth century. These compositions are sectional that alternate between free improvisatory sections and fugal sections, all make …

A Guide to Hip-Hop Subgenres

Although still a relatively new genre, hip-hop has an incredibly storied past, one that cannot be studied without noticing the impact women have had on its shaping. However, the importance of women in hip hop cannot be discussed without diving first into the birth of the genre itself. By the …

Music is a ubiquitous companion to people's everyday lives

There are a lot of studies about the effect of music on memory. Music was defined as a form of entertainment that lessens boredom and it may increase the productivity of a person. There’s music in almost everywhere, for example in parties, events, shows, and more. Music listening is one …

How Music Affects Your Productivity

Songs are a great way to express one’s self through lyrics. I believe this can be the truest form of self-expression. There is such a wide variety of songs out there that there are many that one can relate to. I find that that is why I enjoy music so …

Music’s Role in Casablanca

The ever-popular film Casablanca presents its viewers with fantastic supporting music to its film, to help make every scene as realistic as possible, and help turn an average film into one of the greatest love stories of all time. Throughout the film, music is carefully designed to enhance the effects …

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