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Medieval Europe Essays

Was Napoleon the son or the enemy of the French Revolution?

France was under the rule of the Bourbon family, King Louis XVI, until the French Revolution occurred in 1789 which ended to the Bourbon dynasty. France was in a state of chaos as the Federal Revolt, war and the Terror emerged in the following years (Morris 2000, 107). Nevertheless, the …

Genghis Khan: Military Hero

Genghis Khan: Military HeroAlthough some people believe Genghis Khan was a ruthless butcher, he deserves credit as a military genius because he conquered massive amounts of territory thanks to his quick thinking and battle tactics. To the Mongolian’s he is a much honored figure, a king and hero rather than …

To What Extent Is Doubt The Key To Knowledge?

As a Persian Proverb once said, “Doubt is the key to knowledge.” Doubt is one of the factors that influence the expansion of knowledge. Any fact that is considered true beyond any suspicion had to be subject to at least one person’s questioning, since “any belief worth having must survive …

Early Italian Renaissance Art: Florentine vs. Sienese Art

During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, a transformation occurred in Italy with respect to society, economics, politics, and religion. One of the major factors that led to such a change was the shift from a farming culture to a culture of industry dominated by merchants. This led to an urban …

Women in the Renaissance

The women of the Renaissance not only experienced a great rebirth in classical humanism, but they also contributed largely in both the artistic and political aspects in the Renaissance. This is proved by the numerous female individuals that still remain as the greatest Renaissance figures in history. The birth of …

Peasants' revolts in the German states, 1524–1526

While Lutheran beliefs, high taxes, and serfdom caused the peasant revolts, the nobles’ responses were solely based upon monetary gains and fear, while commoners had mixed reactions but were mostly against the peasants. Religious officials viewed the peasant revolts with differing views. For example, Thomas Muntzer encouraged these revolts, implying …

The American and French Revolutions

The French Revolution had many causes. The main causes were due to political, social, and economic conditions in France that contributed to the discontent felt by many French people-especially those in the third estate. The ideas of the intellectuals of the Enlightenment brought new views to government and society. The …

Why is Leonardo da Vinci considered a Renaissance man?

A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences. That is the definition of a Renaissance man. Leonardo’s ability to observe and study, then demonstrate those things in his art, makes him a perfect example of a renaissance man. Leonardo …

French Revolution

As the tragic events of the French Revolution unfolded, King Louis XVI of France soon found himself in the centre of it and gradually became one of the victims. In the morning of Tuesday 21st January 1793, he was woken by his guards and taken to Place de la Revolution. …

Political and Social Consequences of the Protestant Reformation

One of the most important religious revolutions in history was the sixteenth century religious revolt known as the Protestant Reformation. This conflict divided the Christians of Western Europe into two religious groups: Protestants and Catholics. The reasons behind the Reformation movement included political, economical, social, and religious differences. In the …

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