Khan Essays

Successor: His grandson, Kublai Khan who expanded the empire till it reached central Europe and the Middle East. Children: He had four children; Ogedei Khan, Jochi, Tolui Borjigin, Chagatai Khan. Siblings: Genghis Khan had three full brothers; Jochi khasar(Jochi senior) Temuge, and Khajun. He also had two step brothers, one …
There are various reasons why and how the Mongols accomplish the conquest of such a large territory within such a short period of time. Many of the reasons may vary, but many can agree that their military tactics and culture are some of the reasons why they conquered such a …
Genghis Khan: Military HeroAlthough some people believe Genghis Khan was a ruthless butcher, he deserves credit as a military genius because he conquered massive amounts of territory thanks to his quick thinking and battle tactics. To the Mongolian’s he is a much honored figure, a king and hero rather than …
There are a lot of qualities Shah Rukh Khan shares with both his predecessors and his contemporaries. While there are those who claim he’s nothing more than a clever amalgamation of Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan, there are others who swear he’s made a fine art of hamming (‘Darr’s’ K..K..K..Kiran …
He’s Bollywood’s original brat. The media hates him; but crowds go wild at the very mention of his name. Girls swoon each time he flashes his bare torso on screen (which is quite often). Gossip rags work overtime fishing out juicy tidbits from his personal life: a brawl here, an …
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