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Life Essays

It is exciting to research the theme of life, values, society, family, and everything that surrounds our everyday life. Life essays embrace a considerable spectrum of topics which can be used for investigation. The initial step should be made when selecting the subject for investigation. Try to write an essay which is interdisciplinary. For example, sociology and psychology can be used in researching the article about values, human’s behavior, principles, and others. Thanks to our life samples you can get a useful example and outline. Our professional writers prepare new articles every day. We upload the latest information very quickly to give access to our clients.

In the paper about life, you need to be careful in adding personal experience and ideas. Some types of writing do not allow using such information. If you do not want to clarify all the details of your task description, send it to us. We will complete the order even quicker than you think.

Happy Partner, Happy Self 

The research article by William J. Chopik and Ed O’Brien explores whether one’s health is influenced by whether those they surround themself with are happy- specifically if having a happy partner promotes better health in oneself. The authors drew on past research and evidence which explains positive affect states, where …

One Day the Years of Struggle Will Strike You as the Most Beautiful

At the very core of leadership is the ability to use motivational patterns to inspire others; to encourage individuals and teams to voluntarily do things that they would not otherwise do. Sometimes, even the most well-laid plans and strategies fail miserably and at other times, leadership comes from the most …

Architecture as a Social Interface

The intermingling of innate human senses with the encounter of built environment is highly redolent. Often referred to as ‘Semiotics’ of architecture, the ability of buildings to communicate meaning either through form, function, color or their intrinsic aura, is highly eclectic. Several theorists including De Saussure and Charles pierce’s epistemological …

“The Red Tree” by Shaun Tan

In the short story “The Red Tree” by Shaun Tan, the progression of a girl’s day along with her fears and worries are displayed in comic form. The feelings behind the girl’s struggles are first seen in her bedroom where she pushes to open her bedroom door while there are …

Optimist: Richard Wilbur

“‘I [Richard Wilbur] feel that the universe is full of glorious energy, that the energy tends to take pattern and shape, and that the ultimate character of things is comely and good’”(Lewis, Daniel). Richard Wilbur had a positive viewpoint on life during most of his career. He would convey the …

Physical Environment in Acer Tech Center

While walking through Acer Tech Center, it appears to be well developed and a generally healthy community. The people of Acer Tech Center are comfortably walking, jogging, riding their bikes and eating lunch outside with their families all throughout the district. However, there are economic differences in Acer Tech Center …

Life With Dementia. What Is It?

It was acknowledged that living with dementia includes experiencing both negative and positive emotions (Elford et al., 2005). Nine studies in this metasynthesis revealed that the patients experienced negative feelings during reminiscence sessions. This overarching theme has three key metaphors: Grief, vulnerability, and sense of isolation. Grief This metaphor of …

Sonar and Echolocation in Dolphins and Bats

Sonar is a technique that uses sound which is normally underwater such as a submarine navigation, also it is use for communication or detecting objects under the surface of the water. The second meaning of sonar is the making of an echo and also stands for Sound, Navigation, and Ranging. …

Historic Illegal Fishing Practices

The Vaquita, Phocoena sinus, is endemic to the Gulf of California located between the mainland of Mexico and the Baja California Peninsula. This paper explores the historic illegal fishing practices, poorly managed fisheries, wildlife management, and deficient law enforcement that have driven the Vaquita to become Critically Endangered (Rojas-Bracho and …

Water Wave Monitoring and Alarm System

Wind waves, or wind-generated waves, are water surface waves that occur on the free surface of the oceans and different bodies of water (like lakes, rivers, canals, puddles or ponds). They result from the wind processing over a locality of fluid surface. Waves travel usually on terribly long distances, and …

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