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Life Essays

It is exciting to research the theme of life, values, society, family, and everything that surrounds our everyday life. Life essays embrace a considerable spectrum of topics which can be used for investigation. The initial step should be made when selecting the subject for investigation. Try to write an essay which is interdisciplinary. For example, sociology and psychology can be used in researching the article about values, human’s behavior, principles, and others. Thanks to our life samples you can get a useful example and outline. Our professional writers prepare new articles every day. We upload the latest information very quickly to give access to our clients.

In the paper about life, you need to be careful in adding personal experience and ideas. Some types of writing do not allow using such information. If you do not want to clarify all the details of your task description, send it to us. We will complete the order even quicker than you think.

No Man of Woman Born

Though many think the character of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth as a tragic hero, another character stands out as a much greater protagonist. While Macbeth is driven towards madness and to committing atrocities, Macduff lacks these flaws and remains incorrupt and heroic throughout the play. As Macbeth strives to gain power …

Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Priso

The individuals in the book view life from different angles. This is depicted by the way they respond to issues. Some resolve to violence in order for them to be heard, each individual take time to reflect on their action and pain and regret of their action is felt. This …

Cause of Civil War and the Stalled of Peace Process

This section is all the root of the civil war which is the failure to implement the Panglong Agreement, which was signed in 1947 by General Aung San and ethnic national leaders from the frontier areas (Shan, Kachin, and Chin). In the agreement, the ethnic leaders approved to get independence …


Governmental Centralization occurs when the Federal government controls federal / nation-level matters and concerns, such as Foreign Policy, immigration, and National Defense. Conversely, with Administrative Centralization, the Federal government also controls local government matters across an entire country. This means the Federal Government controls even menial matters such as zoning …

Jane Austen

Jane Austen, one of the most popular novelists of all time, was born on December 16, 1775, in Steventon, Hampshire, England and died on July 18, 1817. Austen changed writing as she was one of the first authors to put forward that women should marry for love instead of a …

Goddess Athena

Many years of ago Athena was born from Metis and Zeus. Her beginning wasn’t a pleasant one. Zeus feared the child her mother, Metis the titan of knowledge, would bare, so he ate her just as his father did to his siblings. However, Zeus soon gained a splitting headache. He …

Darcy's Pride

“Yes, Vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride – where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.” (Austen, 39) Pride is Darcy’s blind spot. Confidence in his character, his introversion, and his quietness often allow people to mistake him as cold and uncaring, …

All Men Make Mistakes, But A Good Man Yields When He Knows His Curse Is Wrong

Sophocles’ Antigone was a book that had a unique plot. One of the ideas presented in this specific play was feminism and Antigone’s determination to go against their ruler. Along with this idea occurred a number of tragedies, which means there’s also a tragic hero. There are numerous debates in …

Different Women, Different Value

Marriage: Different Women Different Value The 1800s was a period of not only land expansion and telephone creation but also a time when women’s lives were controlled by men – society took over women’s ambitions and goals in life and gave them a sole purpose of just finding a husband. …

Building a Legacy

As the Dark Ages ended in Greece, a new wave of intellectual thinking and craftsmanship emerged that resulted in a legacy of architectural design. Because they were now ruled by groups of aristocratic citizens and tyrants, the people of Greece no longer needed to build palaces for kings. Instead, they …

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