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Fiction Essays

Fiction Essay Samples & Examples

Fiction is a significant part of literature. It helps readers to immerse in an imaginative world full of exciting events. There are many books written in this style, and this means that people adore reading fiction. However, at the university, college, or high school you are asked not just to read a story. Your task is to analyze, examine, compare, and contrast. It is true that preparing fiction essays requires lots of time because you need to reread the text several times. Depending on the subject of your paper, the structure will differ.

It is no wonder that lots of students do not have time to read the original text and then analyze it to prepare a critical article. That is why writing services like ours are ready to help you with any task. We understand that examining fictional books is challenging, but you cannot fail the course. That is why you can easily ask our experts to make the task for you. Ordering at our BlaBlaWriting is quick, affordable, and beneficial!

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

In 1990’s a television show called ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a very popular American Sitcom and is still now. The main part is focused on the character Will, a black teenager who comes from an urban area of Philadelphia to live with his very rich aunt’s family. The …

Archetypes within The Princess Bride

William Goldman effectively incorporates numerous archetypes within his novel to further entice the reader into the plot. Goldman practices the use of three archetypes in particular: numbers, colors, and the wise old man. The numbers three and six are used as symbols of power and evil respectively. Moreover, the color …

Of Mice and Men is, essentially, a story of friendship and loneliness

“Of Mice and Men is, essentially, a story of friendship and loneliness.” Discuss the extent in which you agree or disagree with this statement. Of Mice and Men is a story consisting of many different themes recurring throughout the novel, some more prominent than others, and a lot of which …

Thomas Hardy Essay

Thomas Hardy’s treatment of women and how far they conform to the social norms of that time In this essay I will be looking at 4 short stories written by Thomas Hardy. I will be commenting on Hardy’s treatment of women and how far they conform to the social norms …

The Red Ball by Ismith Khan

The Red Ball is a story of exclusion, acceptance and poverty. In The Red Ball, Bolan and his family suffer deeply from poverty. The author emphasises this by describing how skinny Bolan is. The other boys call him names such as “Thinny Boney” and “Match-stick foot”. This gives the reader …

"Dr Jekyll && Mr Hyde" Essay

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novella written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson and first published in 1886. It is about a London lawyer who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and Dj Jekyll’s evil half Edward Hyde. The work is known for …

Settings and character in Dr Jekyll and My Hyde

How effectively does Stevenson create a sense of horror through his descriptions of settings and character in Dr Jekyll and My Hyde? The horror genre explores ideas about monsters and other characters to describe them as horrific. The gruesome, the unknown and the undying battle between good and evil have …

How does Stevenson present the duality of man in the novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

This Gothic Horror follows the story from Mr Utterson’s view. As he tries to discover the relationship between Dr Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde. The story is developed through his conversations and letters. In all characters met in the story, the duality of man is shown by their reactions and …

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