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Ecology Essays

Our Ecosystems are Being Disrupted and Destroyed by the Hands of Humans

All over the world our ecosystems are being disrupted and destroyed by the hands of humans not realizing that the forest and oceans we cut down and pollute are the very things keeping the human race alive. Conservation is important because the more habitats that are preserved and protected the …

The Gases Emitted from Factory Smoke Cause Significant Damage

Subsistence farming, where farmers depend on self-sufficiency, and cultivate what fills their needs, and is characterized by the availability of several types of crops, as well as animals, as the family needs throughout the year, and is planned for planting during the coming season and years, for what the farmer …

How Bolsonaro’s Environmental Views Will Affect the Future

Stretching across two million square miles inside Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana, the Amazonian Rainforest -known as the lungs of Earth- absorbs more carbon dioxide than it emits. The largest environmental threats to the Amazon include land degradation and water pollution caused by mining, …

Mining Had Bad Consequences for Environment

It is undeniable that mining leads to big disadvantages. Mining is the process or industry of collecting coal or other minerals from mine such as diamonds, golds and that sorts of things.Of course it is good for the economy of the people and it improves the quality of our lives, …

Deforestation Negatively Affects Our Planet

Deforestation is literally destroying the earth. Everyday animals are losing their habitat and going extinct. The issue with deforestation is how it is negatively affecting our planet. Entire forests are being destroyed for human purposes. In my research paper, I will explore what deforestation is, how it will affect everyday …

Losing Forests and the Biodiversity Affects Global Climate Regulation, Disease Control, and Pollination

Presently, there are parts of the world where groups of people are experiencing the life-threatening effects of land degradation and natural resources depletion. These unfortunate occurrences are usually a result of industrial and capital greed, along with governmental aggression and mismanagement. The results of these dangerous instances of resource-led marginalization …

Introduction to the socio-ecological model

This social ecological model of health by Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) describes how each layer has certain influence on health. They use the model to establish a relationship between the individual or groups to their environment and illnesses. Individuals are at the center with a set of fixed genes. With …

Investigation of Ecology on Four Sites on the River Nar

“The environmental conditions change along the river. These conditions affect the diversity of species found at the different sites.” Site 1- Kings Lynn The first site we visited was situated on the river Nar just 400 meters from the Great Ouse and 1km from the sea. There are varying flow …

Make people aware of the importance of water in our lives

Water is so sacred because it purifies, rejuvenates, cleanses, and heals. Spirits occupy the waters and require respect or esteem. From the droplets in a baptism to the scattering of ashes on a holy river, water blesses and shapes human lives. From drinking it to praising it, how we use …

Ecological Niches of Caterpillars

Colour used to indicate the raw data used to calculate example mean Colour used to indicate the raw data used to calculate example standard deviation Observations: * Notches were mostly at the edges of leaves but were quite deep. * Sometimes notches didn’t go to the very end of leaves. …

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