Ecosystem Essays

This article is about a new ecological study on how past climate change affected the planets ecosystem and how that data is being represented in figuring out how climate change is going to affect the planet in the future. In this article the main argument is that climate change is …
Ecosystem degradation has become more prominent as the affects of anthropogenic climate change are increasingly impacting the structure and function of environments. Climate change and human disturbances have created a cascade of issues in aquatic ecosystems. Disturbances in aquatic ecosystems are widespread due to the connectivity that exists along the …
Natural change affects human prosperity and thriving. Changing temperature and precipitation structures influence crop yield, sustenance and water security, and sustenance. The extended repeat and power of over the top events can cause harm, yet moreover increase the peril of water-borne afflictions ( diarrheal ailment, Hepatitis An and E, bacterial …
During the last few years, environmental policies at the global, national and local levels have undergone profound changes. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, there is a shift of concern from local pollution problems towards global long-term issues like climate change, depletion of freshwater reserves, etc. At the same …
Gold is an important and valuable component of life. It possesses qualities that makes it one of the most sought-after metals. It is used to make jewelry and conducts electricity. This allows gold to be used in a wide variety of industries such as: dentistry (fillings, crowns, and bridges), conducting …
Abstract Oil and gas exploration and exploitation in Niger Delta region (Nigeria) have been characterized by environmental degradation as a result of oil spillage, flaring of gas, deforestation and other unwholesome practices of oil and gas multinational companies operating in the area. The devastation of the environment is the consequence …
Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. They support more species per unit area than any other marine environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species. It is important to realize that reefs are not …
STATEMENT OF INTENT: This piece of coursework is a magazine article to be posted in National Geographic magazine. This article is intended for people of age 15 and above and who are inclined towards environmental conservation. It is hence the language used in this article is simple with occasional use …
Succession is the act or process of following in order or sequence. In sand dune area the succession is the processes that the area goes through in order to change from a sand dune area into a climax community, deciduous woodland, which takes place over hundreds of years. As a …
Throughout the world their hundreds of species, whether it’s animal or plant hundreds exist here in our ecosystems today. Species that are found in a specific area and only found in this specific place are called endemic species. Here in Florida we have several endemic species and an example of …
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