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Copyright Essays

Pirated Movies

The term piracy is used to refer to robbery or criminal violation of copyrights. Robbery in this case is viewed in terms of criminals benefiting from other people’s intellectual products. Such products include books, music, paintings and movies to mention but a few. This crime is commonly known as copyright …

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission

The topic chosen for this case study is “Can illustration be unethical?” based on the lecture given by Bruce Ingman on week 14. The aim of that session is to think about plagiarism, how it can happen, what are the consequences and a debate with our colleagues about many cases …

Computer Misuse

Computer Misuse is to hack someone`s computer to steal information, unauthorised access to computer system and damaging software (malware), such as viruses. There are different types of computer misuse and they are: Hacking Hacking is where an unauthorised person uses a network, Internet or modem Connection to gain access past …

SLA Ammendments

Non-exclusivity Clause 6 on non-exclusivity needs to be addressed. The lack of information here pertaining to the non-exclusivity of the 3 companies involved can be a huge security issue. The data being used here will not be exclusive to only one company, but rather all 3. However, provisions will need …

Maikling Kwento

1. A literature review on the relationship between locus of control (LOC) and academic achievement revealed that more internal beliefs are associated with greater academic achievement and that the magnitude of this relation is small to medium. Characteristics of the participants in the reviewed studies and the nature of the …

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing

According to (Media, 2004) the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Business Bureau is put things in perspective that all advertisement in the U.S. must be at all times truthful and not mistreated unfairly. Anyone in an advertisement must be able to show any evidence of claims that they may make, because …

Major factors associated with appraisal

When 11 billion dollar Sun® Microsystems wanted to build a showcase exhibit of the networks installed at its new Enterprise Technology Center in Burlington, MA, the requirements were clear. “Sun’s philosophy is – the network is the computer, which means all of the systems should work together” said the project …

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