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Biology Essays

Gram Negative Unknown Lab Report

Abstract The Unknown Gram Negative bacterium inoculated in a Tryptic Soy broth medium was randomly selected from a group of other unknowns. In order to identify this unknown the seven different types of biochemical tests will be conducted on this unknown bacterium to identify it out of 6 possible bacteria; …

Disability & Brain Research Essay

In reflection on neuroscience and the medical brain research study that explains learning disabilities I found an online article that is very interesting, which explains the concept of research. Researching students with learning disability has become the fore front of how student development and maintain information. According to research, the …

Hypoglycemic Effect of Kyllinga Triceps in STZ Induced Diabetic Rats

 Kyllinga triceps is a medicinal plant found in India. The present study was conducted to evaluate the hypoglycemic activity of the plant in Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. These diabetic rats were given Kyllinga triceps extract (KTE, 100mg/kg & 200mg/kg) and Glibenclamide (0.5mg/kg) for 28 days. The effects of both …

Chronic Kidney Disease

The Integration of Adult Nursing Practice Sophie Dickens CONTENTS PAGE Slide One – Introduction and aims of the presentation Slide Two – Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidneys – Structure Slide Three – Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidneys – Nephron Slide Three – Pathophysiological changes Slide Four – Signs …

Bacteria Morphology

Abstract – The Purpose of this exercise is to gain experience in bacterial morphologies in prepared wet-mounted slides and interpreting the findings of bacteria through direct and indirect staining technique. Hypothesis – The experiment will allow for further insight into stained organisms, allowing extended contrast, differentiating shape and structure through …

Animal Testing Synthesis Essay

Directions: The following prompt is based on the accompanying seven sources. This question requires you to synthesize a variety of sources into a coherent, well-written essay. Synthesis refers to combining the sources and your position to form a cohesive, supported argument and accurately citing sources. Your argument should be central; …

Medication to Individuals and Monitoring the Effects

The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) are the regulatory body that provide us with standards that are expected of us when administrating medication. Under The Medicines Act 1968, which is a major piece of legislation, governs the responsibility we have in administering medication to our clients. There are …

Causes And Spread Of Infection Argumentative

Outcome 1 Understand the causes of infection 1. Identify the difference between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites? The difference between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites is: Bacteria Bacteria is a single celled organism, bacteria have evolved to thrive in almost any environment and can be found in almost any substance/surface …

Installation in the Outside Plant

Section I: Use a reference such as the IRWA (www.irwaonline.org) to answer the question below. Cite your reference. (citation is worth 2 points) 1. What is a right-of-way? (4 points) Full Definition of RIGHT-OF-WAY: a legal right of passage over another person’s ground a : the area over which a …

Mitosis Lab

In the Mitosis lab an onion root was observed under a microscope to observe whether or not cell division takes place. Also, whether cells replicate in order for it to reproduce. By observing the onion root under the microscope it allows many layers to be looked at through each cell …

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