Ethnography Essays

As we go about our busy lives, going here, there and everywhere, we never take a moment to look at the world around us. We never seem to take in the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that we often disconnect ourselves from in our obsession to make the world a …
Introduction COV-19 is a disease which affects nearly everyone in the world and has particularly affected asians negatively within the United States. In March of 2020, I did research on whether asians are more likely to fight for their rights after they have been discriminated against within the United States …
Beverly Yuen Thompson, an author and associate professor of sociology at Sienna College, details her experience and findings of interviewing tattooed women in her ethnographic study Covered in Ink: Tattoos, Women, and the Politics of the Body. Beverly approached her study by conducting qualitative interviews with various heavily tattooed women, …
Interviews yield a great deal of data in a short amount of time. Ethnographic interviewing occurs in a natural setting and seeks to describe the culture of a community. Ethnography does this by identifying and describing participant’s practices and beliefs (Characteristics of Qualitative Research II). By using numerous data sources, …
Literature of any people (whether oral or written) is not only the repository of peoples’ wisdom, but it is also a reflection of peoples’ customs, laws, and the ways of perceiving the surrounding world. As a unique expression of human thought, it represents extraordinary socio-cultural conditions in all human societies. …
Anthropology is an interconnected area of study aims to answer some of the world’s most colossal questions. Each of the four subfields of Anthropology utilize each other’s findings to better grasp their respective material and identify interlocking patterns. Remarkably, these interlocking patterns teach us the world we live in today, …
Anne Allison, a cultural anthropologist, wrote the book Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess Club in 1994. The book’s primary focus is on analyzing the meaning of hostess clubs within the corporate population of Japan. Allison took an interesting participant-observation approach to carry out her fieldwork. …
There are many cultures in the world, and many aspects that make up a culture like norms, symbols, and languages. Cultures may be as broad as the American culture or East Asian culture, and as specific as while other cultures are less heard of, like The Trobriand Islands are a …
Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty’s Trek Across the Pacific is an ethnography which shows how an anthropologist manly focused on the growth of Hello Kitty throughout time. Throughout the book we are able to see how Yano does her research based on Sanrio a Japanese company that has design merchandise that …
Anthropology is the study of man, by man. A subfield of this is ethnography, the attempt of man to understand his own culture by understanding the culture of another (Inskeep). This paper will explore the process of an ethnographic project. The first step in ethnography, as in every scientific project, …
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