Biology Essays

OBJECTIVES: After studying this chapter, the students should be able to: 1. Know the interrelationship between heredity and the environment in human growth and development. 2. Appreciate the significance of pre-natal development to post-natal development. 3. Identify the different aspects of development. 4. State and explain the principles of heredity. …
Pesticide from Radish Extract A. Background of the Study Radish is a Eurasian plant (Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. Every part of the root or the plant can be useful in different ways. The pungent root of this …
17 May 2013 Are Protein Shakes Good For You? According to Flex bodybuilding magazine, protein shake is the number one selling bodybuilding supplement. Protein powders have been around for years, but they are currently gaining popularity and becoming more widely used for their health benefits. In fact protein is one …
Putting Our Brains on Hold 1. I think Herbert’s overall argument is that people in the United States are suffering significant decline in education, therefore losing its leadership qualities. Herbert highlights the fact that people are not coming close to acquiring the education and training to maintain a middle class …
Athletes in preparation for a major competition prepare and practice to make their performance near perfect if not perfect. Indeed, there are various approaches that athletes have developed over the years in preparation for major competitions. Often, high altitude training is adopted. It involves taking practice, exercises and preparations for …
Bacteria are living things that are neither plants nor animals, but belong to a group all by themselves. They are very small–individually not more than one single cell–however there are normally millions of them together, for they can multiply really fast.Bacteria are prokaryotes (single cells that do not contain a …
INTRODUCTION Proteins are large complex organic macromolecules which are utilized for many important roles in the body. Proteins function in structure, transport, energy conversions, and play an important role in defense against diseases. Protein is also important for muscle recovery, which is why it is commonly associated with fitness. Though …
Combining Forms: Acous/o = Hearing Aden/o = Gland Andr/o = Male Ather/o = Yellowish Plaque, Fatty Substance Aur/o = Ear Auricul/o = Ear Blephar/o =Eyelid Carcin/o = Cancerous, Cancer Cardi/o = Heart Cephal = Head Chem/o =Chemical Choledoch/o = Common Bile Duct Coron/o = Heart Cyan/o = Blue Dacry/o = …
Normal flora are found in specific areas of the body and often depends on environmental factors such as pH, oxygen concentration, amount of moisture present, etc. Some sites in which native microbial is the skin in which you often find staphylococci, streptococci, diptheriod bacilli, yeast and fungi. You often find …
1.1 The causes of dementia are not yet fully understood but we do know that it is a deteriotation in mental functions which include memory, speach, judgement and orientation.The brain is a complex organ with over 100 billion cells. In dementia some of these cells stop working properly. The part …
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