Biology Essays

The seven organizational approaches to studying the human body are body planes and body directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic to macroscopic, body systems and medical specialties. Body planes and body directions are the division of the body into sections from front to back, right and …
Introduction To be able to carry on metabolic processes in the cell, cells need energy. The cells can obtain their energy in different ways but the most efficient way of harvesting stored food in the cell is through cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is a catabolic pathway, which breaks down large …
This study employs ex-post factor research design to investigate the level of Availability and Utilization of ICT-Based Technology among biology teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were randomly selected from boarding and day public secondary schools in Ekiti state. Two instruments were developed, validated …
Hospers challenges the view of a radical sceptic of that there is no knowledge for everything is doubtful by providing vital grounds on how it can ultimately be attained and by adopting the two different senses of knowing, the strong and weak sense. He then fortifies his argument by proving …
Keratin is a protein in hair, nails, and skin. Keratin is produced by living cells called keratinocytes, and these cells from our outside to protect the skin, hair, and nails. Keratin is needed in our body is to protect cells from any stressors that could result in cell damage and …
Pikachurin, also known as agrin-like protein (AGRINL) and EGF-like, fibronectin type-III and laminin G-like domain-containing protein (EGFLAM), is a fibrous protein that in humans is encoded by the EGFLAM gene. Pikachurin is a dystroglycan-interacting protein which has an essential role in the precise interactions between the photoreceptor ribbon synapse and …
1. Obesity is the commonest health problem in our community 2. Obesity causes many diseases and markedly increases the risk of Dying prematurely 3. Obesity also reduces quality of life by limiting physical activity and Encouraging social isolation. 4. The costs of obesity through increased health costs and reduced Effectiveness …
1.Bring out four differences between guttation and transpiration ? 2.Why is abscisic acid called as stress hormone ? 3.What is water potential ? Name the factors that influence it. 4.How is cyclic photophosphorylation different from non-cyclic photophosphorylation ? 5. Where in the roots apoplast pathway of water takes place ? …
Overview India’s growing economy and the expansion of its manufacturing industry contribute to the country’s increasing dependence on energy. Currently, total installed generation capacity is over 200 GW, and is going to be over This Insight gives an overview of the present energy demand and supply gap in India. The …
People often overlook obscure details due to a variety of reasons. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, symbols are notable and powerful sources of percipience. Throughout the story, the author uses flowers as messengers of hope, love, forgiveness, and other emotions. In the novel, the disparity of wild-flowers and …
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