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English essay
An individual’s perception of belonging evolves in response to the passage of time and interaction with their world is shown through Baz Lurhmann’s dance film Strictly Ballroom and in Tim Winton’s short story neighbours. In the film this is shown to us through Fran mostly as she interacts with Scott to become a professional dancer through their ups and downs. And also is seen in Shirley Over time Scott allows Fran to dance with him after multiple training sessions. At first Fran is watching Scott perform with Liz who then dumps him for his ridiculous dance moves. Fran takes her chance and shows Scott that she is up to dancing his whacked out steps along with her whacked out steps. Scott’s acceptance and dance technique is crushed by Rico at Fran’s parents’ house when Fran and Scott are caught talking around the side of the place. Rico challenges Scott to a dance off of the Pasa Doble, where Scott dancing federation style fails hard and Rico accomplishes success. Moments later Fran’s grandma comes out to show Scott how to properly in their eyes dance the Pasa Doble.

This interaction between YaYa and Scott shows me that through different ethnic backgrounds belonging is still achievable In scene 4: the try outs, close ups of all contestants and of Shirley more importantly show us the stress she is under when going through the calendar crossing the days off more violently each time as each one fly’s by faster and faster. Just a couple days before the grand pacific ballroom competition Shirley scribbles out the days from stress and screams out aarrgh while she scrunches up the calendar, only moments later the scene changes to Scott walking Fran home after just completing one of their dance sessions As seen in strictly ballroom, belonging expands well in the short story Neighbours by Tim Winton where although no physical talking communication is available, communication through friendly gestures is still able to be reached. These gestures include the giving of firewood from the polish widower after the completion of his two car carport. The donation of the chocolates and cigarettes from the man in the deli and also all the stomach rubbing and smiling towards the Aussie wife Another main gesture is in the giving of advice in the agricultural department. Timmy Winton uses this to his advantage and uses agricultural language to show the growing of the family’s connections. “With the gift of chocolates and cigarettes the relationship spread.”

Agriculture was also used to show the progression of the young man upon his novel. Timmy Winton states “the young man ploughed on with his thesis on the twentieth century novel.” This shows me and most readers the Aussie couple that felt completely out of place at the beginning of the short story are quite well fitting in towards the end of it. “The men butchering, the women plucking” is more agricultural being used in the short story neighbours by Tim Winton In conclusion, an individuals perception of belonging evolves in response to the passage of time and interactions with eachother is very true and is shown in a fair few ways in the movie Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhman through Shirley, fran and scott. And also in the short story Neighbors by Tim Winton shown in all characters as the aussie family is shown by receiving all the gifts and stuff.

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