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Dreams And Reality In Education

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I always believe that education is the only thing that can never be taken away from a person in this world. Education is the key, the bridge between dreams and reality. I am writing this statement to express my desire to pursue my education, my Master’s Degree of Science in Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering as my specialization in your institution. Based on multiple research, accomplishments and a faculty par excellence, I fully believe that Purdue University is the perfect place for me to enhance my knowledge and to improve my skills which will allow me to achieve my professional goal.

Impressed by modern skyscrapers and bridges, the passion for pursuing a career in civil engineering started when I was in high school. What motivated me the most was how I can help my country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, where lives are affected by the poor condition of infrastructures (roads, bridges, and housing). That motivation led me to choose civil engineering as my main focus and major for my undergraduate degree and I was determined to succeed. Enrolled in Southern Illinois University for my undergraduate, I found myself enthusiastic and deep in the love of the structural field by learning general structural design concepts, earthquake characteristics and effects on structures.

Through hard work and dedication, as my transcripts will attest to, I have excelled in my undergraduate program. I have tried the best of my ability to perform at the highest level and to understand every concept and idea by working on various design projects under the guidance of Dr. J. Kent Hsiao in order to get a great insight into the field of Structural Engineering. Although I am strongly convinced that my undergraduate degree at Southern Illinois University has provided me with a solid foundation in the field of Structural Engineering, I still believe that there is much more I can learn, discover and achieve through graduate school, and that is why I chose Purdue University.

With an excellent academic system, Purdue University is one of the best institutions in the world. The civil engineering program is outstanding with broad research and focuses opportunities tailored to student passions. Although I am very knowledgeable and aware of your school’s capabilities, I am very determined to accomplish my dream. I know that taking on this challenge will test my limits and hone me to the best of my capabilities. I am convinced that your institution is the best place to learn and prepare for my professional goal and I hope you will give me the opportunity to be one of your students.

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