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CSR Practice of Commercial Bank

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The bank’s CSR activities mainly involve contribution towards building up an enlightened and prosperous nation. In view of it, it has taken patronization of education as its core CSR activity, whereas disaster management and alleviation of poverty is much emphasized. #Education

As many as 1000 students from around 150 reputed educational institutions across the country are being provided with scholarship in two levels-school level and university level.They are taken under this program to be taken care of for the whole educational life subject to their fulfillment of the eligibility criteria. Quard or interest free loan is provided to poor and meritorious students to help bear monthly educational expenditure including food, accommodation etc. The quard is distributed to the selected students in monthly installments till their accomplishment of the Masters Degree. 138 poor and meritorious students from a number of reputed educational institutions are being provided with quard. #Disaster relief

During cold spells, the bank’s foundation team goes to the northern area of the country and distributes blankets and other necessaries to help them survive cold. During flood hundreds of thousands of people are left out of economic activities. Since the inception of the bank it responded generously to the call of the flood-affected people. Bangladesh lies in a natural calamity-prone area. EXIM Bank has always been at the service of the people afflicted by those natural calamities. In 2005, the bank distributed rikshaws among the tornado victim families in Netrokona with a view to helping them return to income generating activities through self-employment. #Social welfare

A good deal of the bank’s charity is done for developing infra-structure of educational institutions, hospitals etc. or providing equipments for them. It also donates equipments like computers, furniture etc. to educational institutions. It donates ambulances for different hospitals of the city. EXIM Bank sponsors different cultural programs and sports all the year round. It also helps arrange different national and international seminars as a sponsor. EXIM Bank planted trees on the road-median from Bangla Motor Crossing to Hotel Sheraton Crossing. For plantation of the trees and proper maintenance of them, it has spent about Tk. 1.20 million. To make the capital a modern city, the bank has join hands with the government. For secured movement of the urban people, it has built a foot bridge over Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue at Paribagh at a cost of Tk. 150.00 million. Construction of two other foot over-bridges, one at Tejgon and the other at Karwan Bazar is being planned.

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