Conclusion Report for Immigration Research Question

- Pages: 4
- Word count: 982
- Category: Immigration Individual
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Order NowThe purpose of this social science research was to indicate and answer the imposing research question of “What are the factors and motivations an individual considers when choosing a country to move to?” After conducting a questionnaire and using other reliable sources to collect primary and secondary data, I can confirm that from the data we gathered that my hypothesis that the factors and motivations which an individual considers consists of a developed countries attached characteristics such as economic prosperity and political stability is true and supported by our findings. Using ten determining inquiries, we identified certain outliers which are of most importance to those who are choosing to immigrate. From the questionnaire and secondary data, we are able to recognize which regions of the world most immigrants emigrate from. Our questionnaire came upon a drastic majority with ninety percent of the participants emigrating from Asia, which would include the Middle East.
Our primary data coincides accurately with the secondary data received specifying that Asia is the world’s leading source of immigration, especially in Canada. This would lead to the notion that most immigrants come from less developed countries and societies since a large majority of countries in Asia are labelled as either newly-industrialized or developing. Moreover, eighty percent of participants claimed they emigrated from a country not considered developed. This discovery aids in representing the connection between other data found which represents the push and pull factors which contribute to an individual’s consideration of immigration to a country. Our findings exhibited the push and pull factors that drives and individual motivation to immigrate to a certain country. Our primary research data indicates that most emigrate to escape the grasp of political turmoil such as war with sixty percent of participants stating this. As well, many move due to economic depression corresponding to poverty which thirty percent of participants stated.
Our secondary research supported our data with multiple sources declaring the leading contributions to emigration are war/political turmoil, unemployment, lack of governmental public services and concerns about safety. Furthermore, this connects to our information gathered about the pull factors of immigration. The determined key pull factors for immigration is composed of wealth/affluence, political security and seventy percent of participants claim employment potential (economic prosperity) which makes it the most chosen contributing factor which can be reinforced by secondary information that as well signifies economic opportunity and political stability as the principal requests of immigrants. Additionally, this information can be associated with the data previously mentioned that majority of immigrants come from non-developed countries.
The key push factors are common factors that are seen in non-developed countries. In comparison, the highlighted pull factors are the acknowledged aspects of a developed country that our research shows is desired with fifty percent of participants declaring that developmental stage of a country is a consideration in immigration. From this data, we can connect the fact that immigrants seek to immigrate to more developed countries where they can attain the opposite aspects of a non-developed country to our thesis. Furthermore, our research directs our attention to the importance of inclusivity, immigration policy and language barriers in deciding factors for immigration. A key elemental component in immigration decisions that has been found to be greatly important is a country’s inclusivity or exclusivity to immigrant culture with a sixty percent majority of participants stating so. Secondary data suggests this concept as well with examples such as Canada, where the acceptance of diversity and multiculturalism is often seen as one of the known reasons that immigrants are attracted to migrate there.
In addition, it was determined that ninety percent of participants thought that a country’s immigration policy might be a deciding factor when choosing where too move. Likewise, secondary sources as well specified this with the international instance of Canada having the highest naturalization rate in the world which has been proven to correlate with its comparably easier immigration policy. This can be seen as a sign that immigration policy affects an individual’s choice where to move. Also, when questioned whether the possibility of learning barrier or a new language was necessary to be learned to move a country, thirty percent answered no, sixty percent answered maybe and ten percent answered. However, secondary sources show that for example, in Canada which leads immigration in the world, ninety-three point five percent of immigrants can speak English or French.
Although the primary and secondary data contrast to a certain extent, it can still be seen as supportive evidence that even though majority of participants said maybe to learning for the immigration process, it shows their willingness to consider the option. Another explanation for this differentiation could be the effect of other unaccounted for factors that were not included in the research design acknowledging the fact that the participant sample was not diverse from an age standpoint which might have led to less rational decisions due to limited experience from the participants. To fully comprehend and have an understanding, we must assess the extent of that the results may be affected by factors which were not included in our research design.
As stated prior, the largest extent to which our data may have been affected by is the fact that out participant sample may not have been broad enough to have unbiased results since there was a similarity of all the participants age and generation classification. To conclude, our findings indicated that our hypothesis of which consisted of the thought that the factors and motivations which an individual considers consists of a developed country’s attached characteristics and aspects is true as well as answering our research question of what those factors and motivation are. Also, we must keep in mind the slight yet unlikely chance of a biased effect on our results. In all, an individual’s choice to immigrate is based upon many considerations of deciding factors.