Baby thesis Argumentative

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The Internet is the biggest resource of information widely available to whoever wishes to access it. The “Information Superhighway” as it is sometimes called, is exactly that. A very large system of “roads” that can provide you with loads of information through websites. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a Uniform resource locator. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web. A webpage is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A webpage may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors.
Nowadays, most schools have a school website however the quality of these websites can vary greatly. Having a well designed, interactive and accessible website is crucial for any educational institute. The fact of the matter is, there are some school websites that fail to deliver the marketing message or the right impression for the school by a poor quality website – whether it is issues of content, imagery, or accessibility.
As stated by Mark Mountains by creating a Website, a school is showing its commitment to mastering the new information and communication technologies for educational benefit. It is an inescapable fact, that in this competitive age, a school Website is a showcase that indicates to a prospective parent that a school is committed to achieving Government targets for getting children connected to the National Grid for Learning. If competition for pupils is not reason enough, there are other far more positive benefits for a school having a “presence” on the Web and developing the use of Internet technology: It can provide children with easily managed and secure access to Internet based resources. Children’s work can be celebrated with and viewed by a worldwide audience, providing a powerful and positive motivational factor.
A school website needs to be a place where students, potential students and their families can go to learn anything and everything they need to know about that school. The website should act as constant representative where potential students can gain first-hand information about the way a school works and where current students can go to find everything from the teachers, or breakfast clubs or trip information. This is why it is crucial that a school website is not only eye catching, but also constantly updated and easy for the student or parent to use.
In relation to what Puripong Koomsin article says, Internet has become one of the largest platforms of communication. It is the most effective technology available today. Building a website for school can prove to be extremely beneficial if it is done in the right way. It maybe time consuming and include a lot of effort to be put in for developing a website for the school, but it is very advantageous for the school community. The school website gives the school’s information and also clear idea about what they are good at. School websites will provide the up to dates, as well as help them to link between schools, their communities and also to the entire world. Background of the study
A school website is any website built, designed, and maintained by or for a school. Many school websites share certain characteristics, and some educators have developed guidelines to help schools create the best and most useful websites they can displaying student projects, providing information on homework and current class assignments, directing visitors to other resources on the web, displaying school curriculum and courses.
Bagong Silang High School has built their Official Blog site last 2011; this is the only approach that they use to communicate with people through social media. The Blog Site provides a load of information about the school’s history as well as some upcoming events like intramurals, holiday occasions and contact details of the school
Keeping the students also the parents on the information and the latest events is one of the most important roles of a school. But the reality is not every student knows all the information about the newest schools gathering as a result, they not able to participate to the said activities. It also has something to do with the Alumni home coming events because of lacking of updates most of them are not given a chance to attend the reunion party. The rapid advancement of computers in our society has made our daily workloads easier and much more accurate. The proponents attempt to improve the Official Website of the Bagong Silang High School. In line with this, parents become more aware about the schools functioning, and also feel involved.
Through the websites parents can be easily informed about the upcoming events like activities, exams and also tips that could help children. Thus websites play a vital role in removing the barrier between parents and the school. The website provides a platform for the school to build contacts and link with business, families as well as other schools. Especially for families who relocate very often, these websites become great sources for them. Therefore, this study intends to establish the factors and the benefits that the Bagong Silang High School will have if they would acknowledge the occurrence of the social media. This factors and benefits will serve as guide not only for the students and their parents but also to the alumnus of the said school, the study will show them the features that an Official Website can produce such as giving an up to date announcements straight from the schools’ administrators, annual parent meetings and incoming events. Statement of the Problem
The study attempted to determine the usefulness and the significance of having an Official Website in Bagong Silang High School. In this regard, it carefully scrutinized whether the Bagong Silang High School Administration is already prepared for this kind of amendment in their school. Likewise, it cautiously analyze if they were set to cope with the outcome of the study. 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following:
1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender
1.4 Educational Attainment
2. What are the benefits that the Official Website can give to the School?
3. How effective the Official Website to the School in terms of:
3.1 Suspension of Classes
3.2 School Fees Announcements
3.3 Curricular Activities
3.4 Parent Meetings
Significance of the Study
To the School Administration
The result of the study could shed out light on the existing or potential school problems that are related to the effectiveness of the program.
To the Teachers/Advisers
This would mean encouragement of membership oneness and active participation, and increase capacity for initiation and resourcefulness towards a meaningful and proactive role in local and national affairs. To the Students
This study would enlighten them by giving more insights at all the information and events that they need in order to participate in all the activities around the school. To the Parents
In this study, parents will realize how it is important for a school to have an official website. This study will look forward on giving them assurance on the quality information that would enlighten them on events of their child’s school To the Researcher
The process and outcome of this study will produce a great satisfaction, competence and professionalism to the field. To the Future Researcher
The result will serve as their guide and springboard for any future research similar to the study.
Scope and Delimitation
The population of the study was only selected students and teachers of Bagong Silang High School of Bagong Silang, Caloocan City. The study will cover the year 2013-2014. The assessment will be base on fifty (50) selected students/ teachers of Bagong Silang High School. Conceptual Framework
On this basis of the foregoing concepts, theories and finding of related literature, studies represented, and insights taken for them, a conceptual model is developed as shown the Figure 1.
The input corresponds to demographic profile of respondents, which is the independent variable. It includes the name, age, gender, educational attainment. The second frame, the process, illustrates the methods and procedure of data gathering to be used in analyzing the variables by means of questionnaire, interview, and statistical tools. The third frame, the output, shows the outcome of the study, which is the dependent variable.
Definition of Terms
Administrator- He is a person whose job is to manage a company, school, or other organization Computer – This is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Hyperlink – This is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or by hovering or that is followed automatically Hypertext – This is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic device with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access, or where text can be revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail (also called Stretch Text). HTML or Hypertext Markup Language – This is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.
Internet – This is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. School administration – This is an important part of our education system. Administrators face a variety of issues on a daily basis School principal – The educator who has executive authority for a school; “she sent unruly pupils to see the principal”.
Technology – This is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function Web browser – This is commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web Website – A set of interconnected WebPages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization Web page – This is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser. A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. World Wide Web – (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly known as the web) This is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
This chapter indicates the ideas relevant to our present subject relating it to the other studies and is briefly discussed to provide the foundation of the proposed system. A great number of studies, researches, and write-ups has been conducted for a period of time and still emerged as one of the top-priority researches due to rapid changing and need of time. In order to develop a new method and procedures, careful review of literature and studies must be done for the development of the system. Foreign literature
According to Irene Lui (1997) a public relations student of the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. There is so much that students can do with the Internet. Not only can they communicate with international students, they can gain from others’ knowledge and experiences, participate in chat rooms, share ideas and solutions and learn about the many diverse cultures out there. While the Internet does a lot for students, there are also benefits for parents and teachers. The interactive learning that the Internet provides can help students and parents with little or no English skills to learn English. Parents can become more involved in their children’s education by connecting the school with homes, libraries or other access ports.
Teachers can adjust to the different learning styles and in the classroom. They can also set their own pace of teaching. Individual teaching techniques can become more available, which has been proven to be a factor in student achievement. Teachers have the chance to be able to teach at more than one place simultaneously. They may be in a small town but through the Internet, they can be linked to students in more populated areas. Also, the Internet enables administrators and teachers to spend less time on administration and recordkeeping. This would also give them more time to spend with their students. In proportion with Chris Hodgen (2012) a blogger of Absolute media in United Kingdom, gone are the days when a good website was just a luxury, it is now essential.
A school’s website needs be a central part of an education marketing strategy; a great website can generate a channel of leads if designed and developed well from the ground up, and also offers a great platform to engage with current and potential stakeholders. A well designed website can create an interactive platform on many levels. Not only can your website be a great way of promoting the services, departments and strengths of your school, but for current stakeholders it can offer interactive day to day content to further engage with them. Social media marketing (SMM) is a growing phenomenon especially amongst young people. There are many channels in SMM, from Facebook and Bebo through to Twitter, Pinterest, Foursquare, YouTube and Flickr, all of which are easy to integrate into a website; they also provide a great grounding for SEO.
Used on a daily basis, Students use SMM as a simple way to both communicate with friends and to connect and research into their interests – your school. and their parents outside of their classroom activities. Online marketing is now moving into a new era where the development of e-portals and parent portals are allowing schools to interact with both the students and their parents in a much more detailed and secure manner. When I was at school (18 years ago) I only had the parents evening to be scared about! Now parents can keep track of their loved ones 24/7. As an agency we are getting asked more and more to build fully integrated websites that include the front end website for prospective parents as well as password protected extranet for all current stakeholders. Could this be the start of the e-learning revolution? Only time will tell. Foreign studies
According to Thiede (2009), the school Executive Website will be a one-step online site for officials who are looking for educational data, best practices, products reviews, school documents, professional opinions and/or job related networking. The format of the website is designed in certain sections similar to other current and popular websites such as Angle’s, YouTube, and The development and complication of components for a school Executive Website required a survey study to be conducted. This survey was sent to all school superintendents in Ohio to seek out the most relevant resources to place initially in the website. The exploratory study provided important insights for the development of components within the website set up.
Marion Scher(2014) Most people today have favorite sites they visit several times a day, plus those they go to for specific information – as in Google. Let’s call these people skimmers. Web page guru Jakob Nielsen of Nielsen Norman Group has come up with the following facts that the Web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page fold (meaning the part of the webpage users first land on); Users spend 69% of their time looking at the left half of the webpage and 30% viewing the right half. Visitors decide whether to stay on a page within the first 10 seconds; If they’re interested enough to stay for 30 seconds they may stay longer – at least two minutes or more. Local literature
According to Elsa G. Sevilla(2010), a school must create a website where its accomplishments, problems and aspirations could be posted. It can invite its alumni to visit the school website, post their comment, read its articles and reports and revive the attachments between students and their Alma Mater. To ensure speedy contact, the school website may utilize Facebook, Twitter and other networks. A school website has the following aims: to establish contact with the school alumni and friends of the school; to school updates, accomplishments and concerns to the readers; To seek financial assistance through networking; harness journalistic skills among the students; and To maximize utilization of the Internet and Information Technology.
In proportion to Claide Saludar, an instructor in Ateneo de Davao University, Facebook creates dependency for the students, because they will solely rely on their classmates for their requirements. To contend with this thought, Edin de Vera, a fourth year student, argues that Facebook could actually stimulate academic learning. Idea-sharing and formulation comes at a rapid rate because people are familiar with the medium they are using. “It’s much more interesting learning about something that you and your friends talk about instead of reading it from a boring, dusty old, hard to find textbook,” he states.
From these explanations, we can draw a conclusion that social networking site can be a tool for learning process of the students. But it comes back to the point where the students have to decide whether or not to utilize the social networking site to support their own development or mindlessly use it without any consideration of the responsibilities that await them. Local studies
As to the country’s Internet population, an AC Nielsen 2002 survey described it as “urban, young and sophisticated.” Almost half or 45 percent of total Internet users were the youngest group, aged 12 to 19. The same survey revealed that the ABC or upper and middle income groups were the ones who had access to the Internet. While surveys on Internet access and use by children and the youth are now being regularly conducted in many countries, particularly in developed ones, they are still relatively new in developing countries. In the United States of America (USA), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) has already conducted two studies, in 2000 and 2002, which examined both the trends and implications of children connecting to the Internet.
The CPB reported that 65 percent of American children aged 2 to 17 now use the Internet from home, school or some other location and that more children are logging on more often, and for longer periods of time. The 2002 Study noted that children from under-served populations still significantly lag behind more advantaged children. While we do not have a similar study, the closest would be the McCann- Erickson (Philippines) Intergenerational Youth Study series mentioned earlier, which covered both mass media and new media. The envisioned UNICEF sponsored Internet Access and Use by Filipino Children and Youth will therefore fill a gap. In this Internet Study, we looked at Internet access and utilization particularly in terms of what is commonly referred to as Internet applications ,i.e. social networks, blogs, chats, and user-generated content, among others.
In the review of Foreign and Local literature both studies provides sample evidence that will support the idea of having a school website just like what Irene Lui (1997) stated there is so much that students can do with the Internet. Not only can they communicate with international students, they can gain from others’ knowledge and experiences, participate in chat rooms, share ideas and solutions and learn about the many diverse cultures out there is in proportion to what Elsa G. Sevilla (2010) acknowledged that a school website has the following aims: to establish contact with the school alumni and friends of the school; to school updates, accomplishments and concerns to the readers. This evidence supports the idea that through internet children can increase their educational experiences as well as they can be connected to their teacher instantly.
In the assessment of the Foreign and Local Studies the similar evidences to the study has been exposed to sustain proposal of the study as stated by MARION SCHER (2014) most people today have favorite sites they visit several times a day, plus those they go to for specific information – as in Google and to carry out the thought the AC Nielsen 2002 survey described it as “urban, young and sophisticated.” Almost half or 45 percent of total Internet users were the youngest group, aged 12 to 19. The same survey revealed that the ABC or upper and middle income groups were the ones who had access to the Internet. The evidences shows that nowadays children or students are well aware to the advancement that our generation has, they can easily adopt on the changes on our society and one of that is the access in internet whether for educational purposes or not.
Both related studies and literature confirms the study because it found out that it supports the same analysis by the proponents. Enhanced Website of Bagong Silang High School would be a new great way of communicating to the students of the school and also for the alumnus. The school will be the beneficiary of this program including the students, parents, teachers and the alumni’s they’ll become more aware on the school statements and most accurate news updates from the administration. The system will help to reduce misunderstanding between the benefactors of this program. Through Enhanced Bagong Silang High School Official Website, it guarantees the (1) accurate announcements (2) capable of being accessed everywhere (3) fast updates in schools premises and activities. The proposed system therefore will truly insure the necessities of the said school.
In this chapter the research methodology used in the study is described. The geographical area where the study was conducted, the study design and the population and sample are described. The instrument used to collect the data, including methods implemented to maintain validity and reliability of the instrument are described. Research Design
The researcher used the descriptive research for the study. This design describes the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study and explores the causes of a particular phenomenon. Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without aid of statistical treatment.
The descriptive survey method is employed in particular to determine the general picture of the population under investigation in terms of their opinion and knowledge about the opinion. Along with Len Kravitz, Descriptive research design is a type of research method that is used when one wants to get information on the current status of a person or an object. It is used to describe what is in existence in respect to conditions or variables that are found in a given situation. Descriptive research often involves collecting information through data review, surveys, interviews, or observation. This type of research best describes the way things are. A review paper of previously reported research is descriptive research.
Often new ideas and theories are discovered and presented from this descriptive process. Descriptive research is unique in the number of variables employed. Like other types of research, descriptive research can include multiple variables for analysis, yet unlike other methods, it requires only one variable. On the other hand, descriptive research might simply report the percentage summary on a single variable. On the word of Krathwohl, The three main purposes of research are to describe, explain, and validate findings. Description emerges following creative exploration, and serves to organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations, and then test or validate those explanations. Respondents of the study
The study will have respondents directly from the chosen students of BSHS. This may include students, teachers and parents of the students. All of these participants were selected through random sampling. This sampling method is conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part of the sample. As all members of the population have an equal chance of becoming a research participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure. In order to conduct this sampling strategy, the researcher defined the population first, listed down all the members of the population, and then selected members to make the sample. For this purpose, a self-administered survey questionnaire in Likert format was given to the respondents to answer.
Herein, there were 50 participants for the questionnaire survey. The respondents were given an hour to complete the survey questionnaire upon request. After collecting the questionnaires, the responses will be tallied, computed, analysed, and recorded.
One the other hand, for the personal interviews, most of the interviewees were given time according to their convenience. Choices were given for the interviewees who will answer the interview questions, through phone, email, online conversation, chat or personal interview. There were only five participants who were willing and/or had the chance to share their time and talk about their experience in having a blog site. Research Instruments
The survey questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument for this study. According to Polit and Hungler (1997:466) define a questionnaire as “a method of gathering information from respondents about attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and feelings”. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about adolescent mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding contraceptives.
The questionnaire was divided into two main sections: a profile and the survey proper. The profile contains socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents such as age, gender, civil status and the educational attainment. The survey proper explored the perceptions of respondents on personality questionnaire, particularly on its usability and reliability as a student. The questionnaire proper section also contains questions that identify the advantages and disadvantages of using personality questionnaires in the department. The questions were structure using the Likert format. In this survey type, four choices are provided for every question or statement. The choices represent the degree of agreement each respondent has on the given question.
Data collection
The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researcher. The survey was comprised of 10 questions, which were related to the participant’s perception and knowledge about school websites. In the questionnaire, there were some questions used to determine if the respondent agreed or disagreed in a statement. The researchers assured confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not important. The researchers also understood that people’s consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering the survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option of being anonymous. Participants were given time to respond and then the researchers collected the surveys after a few minutes. There were no incentives offered for participating in the research.
Statistical treatment of data
The data that were yielded by the questionnaire were tallied, tabulated and subjected to the following statistical treatment of data in order to ensure validity, reliability and interpretation ; frequency of percentage distribution, to determine the profile and the choices of the respondents.
P = Percentage
N = Number of Respondents
F = Frequency
100 = constant
Locale of the study
The study will be conducted at the Bagong Silang High School Phase 3 Package 3 Bagong Silang Caloocan City, as shown in Figure 2.