A Trip to Grand Rapids

- Pages: 4
- Word count: 914
- Category: Short Story Trip
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Order Now1) Write a Summary in no more than 150 words of Roger Hedlund’s experience of the party described in “A Trip to Grand Rapids”.
Roger Hedlund has a farm with his wife, and has two daughters; Cathy and Martha. Martha has a new kitten and Roger has made a rule that it has to stay outdoors. Martha does not understand it. This and the rain are giving Roger a lot of thinking time. Roger knows that the rain is good for the farmer, but he want to get the corn planted, but it is still raining the next days. Roger gets so nervous that he could not sit down. Cindy wants him to go away, that he drives them crazy. Therefore, his two teenage girls ought them to go.
They went off to Grand Rapids, but on the way, he worries about the girls. He is curious, what is going on at home and they went back for a look. When he saw his little daughter with a cigarette, the many years before that flashes in his mind, it reminds him of the parties they used to go to – the very same kind of parties where he and his wife met. At the farmyard, there is loud music and many teenage kids, and then he understands that his teenage daughters not were little girls anymore. Cindy looks at him and they go back and begin their trip to Grand Rapids. (216 words)
2) Characterize Roger Hedlund and his relationship to his family.
Roger is a strict man, and he is the man of the house and he makes the rules. But right from the start we discover that inside of him there is a softer side. We hear how he commands the cat to be outside but when the rainy night comes he soften up and goes out in the rain to find the kitten.
Roger Hedlund is also a man with a lot of worries. He is a farmer and get blue when his corn is destroyed by the rain. He has a hard time seeing his daughters growing older, letting go of the ones that he loves is never easy. He wants to understand them, but he cannot and do not know what to do about it.
The first impression is, as mentioned in the beginning, that Roger is a tough man, who rules the house with harshness. But his family know how to handle him. It’s obvious that he needs them, and maybe that he likes some of the decisions but it has to be beneath the surface.
But in the end Roger sees the problem, when he looks back in his life, when he met his wife Cindy at a party, just like that, they discovered at home, because Roger was nervous about his little girls. In a way Roger forgets his family because he has a lot to think about on his farm and he does not tell it to his family. (245 words)
3) Comment on Roger Hedlund’s philosophy of life (= the last 9 lines).
Based on my interpretation, as I interpret it as that the phrases he says in the last 9 lines, is of his two daughter. He is weak and he does not want to be a bad father anymore. He knows from the start of his life, that the worlds will continue long after he is gone and that his girls are becoming women this day. Therefore he cannot carry on them as little girls more.
Roger prays to God and intended to a life with have the great love with them always. The love they give, others will get on board. If you want, eager to have it good, so anyone can do it. We have to remember to love children, the world and of course surroundings in life that you are interested in. Whit this we make ours the day’s work positive. Roger hopes that it would not be the case, and therefore he prays to God and thanks to the God has given him now. (167 words)
4) In a short essay (150 to 200 words) discuss what you think is important for a good relationship between parents and their teenage children.
The first thing I want to start from the parents. To get the best possible relationship between teenager children and parents are the upbringing. It is very important. If you did not give his children good upbringing, then it will end with that child will be spoiled, and will grumble about the wishes you do not get satisfied. To keep the relationship well, you need love. Love is the best to bind the family together between parents and teenager children.
Teenager, which is the second I take in. They must have their respect in order and take account of his parents, because if respect is in order, you can also come with relevant discussions, with this agreement with the community and make fair rules, which agreement also be included. If teenager children are not tiring his parents, there will be calmer in the relationship.
For a time, if one can show his parents his responsibility for his life, so parents are not extorting a so often, so it is good and listen to his parents’ advice. They have been young before, so they know the mistakes better than young people do.