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Classroom procedures

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Classroom procedures enable teachers and the class to run smoothly and it provides safety and security that is needed. The more the classroom, is stability the less the class will be disruptive. If the activities or procedures are learned and practiced daily in the right fashion it will save time and effort and it will save time to be used for more instructional activities and events. Routines can create order when the basic operation of the classroom under control it makes the teacher and students feel less stressed.

When routines and procedures in the classroom are taught, modeled, and established in the classroom, children learn what to expect and how to do certain things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction. Procedures lay the groundwork for student learning. A procedure is simply a method or process for getting things done in the classroom.

Procedures can teach students about responsible skills they can use in school and in their everyday life. The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and routines in the classroom management plan. Do’s and don’ts concern how the student behave in the classroom. Procedures in the classroom concerns on how things are done. Do’s and don’ts have penalties and rewards to where procedures don’t have. Do’s and don’ts are like rules. Rules are expectations for behaviors, and procedures are methods for doing something ( such as sharpening a pencil, asking a question, properly conducting a science experiment, transitioning from one activity to another smoothly, etc. that it is understood by the teacher and students and occur with minimal disruption to classroom instructions. Students don’t refuse to follow procedures. If the students don’t follow the procedures, it’s likely that they forgot it.

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