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My Worst Day Ever

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During spring vacation six years ago I signed up to play soccer. The first two practices the coach showed up. On the third practice, my coach did not show up. All of the parents and my teammates were saying, “He probably ran off with the money. ” Since there was not going to be a practice that day one of my teammates and I went on the playground. While on the playground. we ran around, went on the swings, and did the monkey bars. Then my mom said, “Daniel it’s time to go. ” I jumped down from the play structure; as I jumped down my soccer cleats got stuck on the surface of the platform.

This caused me to do a 180 degree flip and I hit the corner of my eye on the bottom of the platform. I thought to myself, “How could this happen to me? ” So I find myself on the sand bleeding and my mom walks me to the car. I was so worried I thought they would have to take out my eye. My mom kept telling me, “You’ll be alright” on the way to Verdogo Hills Hospital. At Verdugo Hills Hospital they had someone check on me immediately. The doctor checked the corner of my eye and put a gauze pad on it.

Then he told my parents that the surgeon was not present, he was out of town. A few minutes later he said that I would have to be transferred to USC Hospital. Then he said an ambulance would come and pick me up. During the wait for the ambulance I was able to watch a movie. I got three-fourths into the movie when the ambulance came. They put me on a stretcher and loaded me into the ambulance. The person in the ambulance kept saying, “Everything will be alright. ” At USC, I had to wait another two hours lying on a stretcher.

Then they gave me a shot that put me to sleep and pulled me into a large room. I was awake for another 10 minutes. During that time, they gave me three shots in the corner of my eye. As soon as I fell asleep, they started to put in the 25 stitches. I finally woke up when they had 5-6 more stitches to sew. The surgeon then asked me, “How are your doing? ” I replied, “Fine. ” That day lasted for 14 hours. I got home at 5:00AM in the morning. My Mom always told me, “Don’t do anything stupid. ” Boy, did I sure learn my lesson that day.

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