Video rental system

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In todayâs modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the countryâs foundation still do not adapt the high technology. Particularly in most video rental store, daily transactions are still done on manual transaction. We all know that computerizing video store has become a competitive necessity. Research shows that stores that have computerized are -always- more profitable.
In this study, we hope to develop a system that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing manager and staff ease in keeping track of customers, inventory, rentals, sales, late fees, provide quicker reservation. A system that is fully computerized, user-friendly, time effective and well-organize. By establishing a system with a shopping cart and payment features, customers can point their way through your product.
Now a system introduced to Video City Rental Movies that will provide all information about products and services in their daily transaction including the easy ordering and paying. It has a user friendly navigation which is built for those intellectual users in the field of computer and for those non intellectual-users.
This system is a simple kind of a system that can implement in a business, This video rental system includses the records of the DVDâs rented, returned, unreturned to the due dete as well as the new registered DVDâs. We can use it also as our inventory system because mostly, most of the records are already recorded at this system. Only the staff can open this system. Even customer is also a part of this system. They are only part in the transaction but they cannot access the system. It simply keeps records correctly, accurately, and at the same time lessen the time of work on keep on checking the availability of the DVDâs to be rented.
⢠Executive OverviewThe Hotspot Enta (HES) system will be a global Web-based marketplace bringing together privateindividuals and small companies to buy and rent movies and video games. It will take advantage of theInternet and World Wide Web to radically improve the way they buy and rent items.The customer objectives for the HES are to: ⢠Provide them with a huge selection of items (and sellers). ⢠Enable them to easily search for, find, and buy the items they want. ⢠Enable them to buy items that they could not ordinarily find or afford. ⢠Enable them to help set (and thereby minimize) the price of the items they wish to buy (e.g., via promotions). ⢠Make buying more convenient by allowing them to buy items: ď Anytime (i.e., 24 hours a day and 7 days a week). ď Anywhere that the buyers have access to the Internet (e.g., at home, at work, and while traveling). ⢠Minimize risks associated with buying over the Internet.The seller objectives for the HES are to: ⢠Provide them with a huge customer base of potential buyers. ⢠Enable them to easily target and personalize their marketing to appropriate potential buyers. ⢠Enable them to sell items that they could not otherwise afford to sell (e.g., by minimizing their overhead and transaction costs). ⢠Enable them to determine the market price of their items and set their prices accordingly (e.g., via auctions or direct sales).
⢠Make selling more convenient by allowing them to sell items: ď Anytime (i.e., 24 hours a day and 7 days a week). ď Anywhere the sellers have access to the Internet (e.g., at home, at work, while traveling). ⢠Minimize risks associated with selling over the Internet.The HESC objectives for the HES are to: ⢠Minimize the costs of providing a marketplace (e.g., capital costs, labor costs) compared to a physical marketplace (e.g., a shopping mall) by maximizing automation and thus minimizing labor and facilities costs. ⢠Maximize income by maximizing the number of sellers (i.e., movie production houses) paying marketplace fees. â˘3. INTRODUCTIONThe video rental industry is an ever evolving industry that changes with the economy, evolution of cultureand technology ant to remain viable in the business, the clients must be willing to evolve. The aid of thecomputer and a system that is fully computerized, user- friendly, time efficient and well organized, isindeed very useful in realizing this quest.BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEWA growing video store business called âHotspot Entaâ is looking to expand its chain of stores and whenthe business was started the client did not account for such rapid growth in the market place. As a resultthe existing software will not scale of perform to the expectations of its business needs.âHotspot Entaâ requires an online software system that will manage all aspects of rental, sales, customersand inventory. They require that this information be stored in a central repository and can be updated, andaccessed from any of its stores.
When a new customer visits the system he should be able to watch movie trailers and their reviews andratings, search movies and browse through some categories. However, in order to rent a movie he has tosubscribe for a membership. The customer should be able to receive the movie by post. In addition, thecustomer should be able to see his rental history and also receive an email newsletter from the system,containing news about movies and new DVD releases.STEPSThe above scenario is briefly shown in the following steps: 1. Customer subscribes for membership by providing personal information and credit/debit card information. 2. Customer browses the product and can add a movie to be rented into a wish list. 3. The movie will receive the movie by post. 4. After watching, the customer can send it back. 5. After receiving it the system will send another movie from the wish list.The following stakeholders are identified in our online rental system: 1. Customer-A person who subscribes for a membership in order to rent DVD. 2. Employee-Who here is Hotspot Enta, who offers the rental services. 3. DVD Store-Where the DVD is housed to be sold or rented. 4. Post Office-A post office that provides delivery services. 5. Financial Institutional-Bank or Credit card companies that provide financial services to customer or DVD store. 6. Supplier-A wholesaler that supplies DVDs/cassettes to the DVD store. â˘4. Some of the problems that this customer currently has as a result of its existing software solution, apartfrom the obvious that it hinders their plant to expand are; 1. No central repository where information can be accessed easily and quickly
2. Manually updating a central database on a weekly basis will tie up a resource for hours per week at least. 3. The response times of the current software solution is at a critical poor level. Often customers are left standing at the counter with a clerk while the clerk waits for the customer information to appear on the screen.Some of the tasks we will engage in during this project are as follows; ď Become familiar with the current system. ď Develop supplementary specifications. ď Examine all function requirements. ď Develop vision. ď Bring forth stake-holder requests. ď Structure. ď Come up with new system.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES By implementing our system, the owner will have a competitive advantage over other video stores and agreater overall productivity in terms of sale. Our proposed video rental system aims at achieving thefollowing: 1. Developing a new system better than the current system. 2. Manage to build-up a friendly environment to customers. 3. Enlarge the marketing of video rental to near-by towns. 4. To create a movie rental store whose goal is to exceed customer expectations.The primary objective of this project is to address the common problems which a video rental systemexperiences. The objectives include: – Ensuring that the rental system is in the real time performance – Increase the number of customer by 5% by the end of the year â˘5. RESOURCESIn order to achieve coming up with a new system weâll need the following resources; 1) A Computer. 2) SQL Server for data storage.
3) Programming language like Visual Studio 2010 for developing the software.CONSTRAINTSThe constraints define the boundaries of the work, which may include resources, budget and anystandards to be adhered to. The main challenges that would/might be experienced may include: 1. If the central repository crashes all data and information will be lost. 2. Access right is limited only to a few. 3. The storage memory for the database is limited.FEATURESThere are various advantageous features of the online video rental system and some of them are givenbelow: 1. Account and invoicing management. 2. Inventory management. 3. Track transaction history and user profiles. 4. Facility to import old data. 5. Customize reports generation and printing facility. 6. Easily customizable system.All these features will make it very simple to run the video store. The effective proceeding will increasethe chances of getting new business. The online rental system will provide the users a very uniquebrowsing experience. In just a single click the user can discover the recommended movies and thereviews about the particular movie in seconds. The user is given various admin rights where he/she canchange the priority the movies to be delivered to him. Another advantageous feature is that the user canmake payment through their credit cards as well.
â˘6. Functional specificationFunctional specification is like documentation and it explains the expected features of theproposed system. In addition this document further explain the sub functions of the system suchas customer registration, purchase movie, Sell a movie, Rent a movie, Return. Etc.Functional requirementsStaffs must be able to create login account and register and also be enable to do add or editfunctions, and must be disabled for data delete function.Here are the major functionalities according to the staffâs requirements. 1. Customer Registration If a customer wants to be a member, the person should be able to register with some details such as name, address, phone number etc. 2. Place an order Make orders according the less stocks and place them to a supplier. 3. Purchase products If supplier accepts the order, purchase the products 4. Allocate products Allocate the products for sales separately and rental separately 5. Sales After the allocation of the products sales could be done. 6. RentalMember customers only lend the CDs â˘7. Summary Use Case DiagramsThe following use case diagrams summarize the functional requirements for the HES: ⢠Employee Summary Use Case Diagram ⢠User Summary Use Case Diagram Employee User Accountant Security Liaison Officer Generates Handles Generates Updates Security User Financial Fee Reports Inquiry Reports Schedule Sanctions Updates User Updates HES Notifies Billing User Security Violation User Cycle Restrictions To Figure 1: Employee Summary Use Case Diagram â˘8. Figure 2: User Summary Use Case Diagram
â˘9. External RolesThis subsection describes and specifies external roles, the associated responsibilities, and all usecases primarily driven by these externals.AccountantThe subsection specifies the functional requirements primarily associated with accountants.DefinitionAn accountant is the role played by a GPM employee who performs accounting functions usingthe GPM.ResponsibilitiesAn accountant has the following responsibilities: ⢠Set and maintain the billing cycle, fee schedule, and user restrictions. ⢠Ensure that the GPM follows proper accounting procedures. ⢠Report on the financial status of GPM.Required CapabilitiesAn accountant needs the following required technical expertise, experience, and training toeffectively interact with the GPM: ⢠Basic accounting skills ⢠Use an accountant client computer to log onto and navigate the accountant user interface.Use Case Diagram Employee Accountant Generates Updates Financial Fee Reports Schedule Updates Updates Billing User Cycle Restrictions Figure 3: Accountant Use Case Diagram â˘10. Use Cases ⢠Accountant Generates Financial Reports ⢠Accountant Updates Billing Cycle ⢠Accountant Updates Fee Schedule ⢠Accountant Updates User RestrictionsNon Functional requirements 1. The system should be user friendly and attractive. 2. Interface should have content navigation buttons.
3. The process data System should provide high performance with in minimal time. 4. If the System needs any new requirements, the must be easier to maintainREFERENCESSystems similar to DRSMS are being used by most establishments in the DVD rental/salesindustry. One of our team members has had experience with Inventory Management, and all ofour team members have experience with software development for work and school. We willdraw on this experience to produce a system that is more user-friendly and intuitive than theaverage software available to DVD rental stores.Reference:⢠Version SDD, March 20, 2003: This document defines the rationale for the decisions made during design of the system and lists all the functional and nonfunctional requirements given by the client. System models of the system (scenarios use cases and object models) are listed in detail.⢠Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Bruegge and Dutoit, Prentice Hall, 2000, page 318.⢠⢠Daneizo lending management system. â˘11. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSISIntroduction:When we consider about software development projects, requirement analysis is a mostimportant part. In this part, one is able to collect informations together about current situations inorder to identify the drawbacks about the system. This requirement analysis should be correct,testable and relevant to the company requirements.
Moreover, it must be significant to systemdesigning part.Requirements GatheringIn this part requirements can be collected in to the system boundary by contacting the users tofind out their requirements. In this part weâve used different types of techniques such asinterviews, questionnaires, observation, etc… to gather information. â˘12. A. Questionnaires Questionnaires are quick gather information from large amount of people in a certain period. It is possible to do paper based document either electronic copy. In addition, it is very cost effective method when compared with interviewing. Major advantages are most of the people are familiar to questionnaires and they are very easy to analyze. This questionnaire has been used to gather information. Questionnaires Design Hotspot Enta1. 1.Role of person completing this form: a. Manager (other company) b. Administrator c. Computer Programmer d. Customer2. 2.When you contact a “Hotspot Enta” representative, is he/she courteous? a. Yes b. No3. 3.Are you satisfied with the way your problems or questions are handled? a. Most Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied4. 4.Whatâs your view about âHotspot Enta ” when compared to another video rental centre? a. Excellent b. Very good c. Good d. Poor 5. How do you feel when you pay by using the membership card? a. Most Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Ok d. Dissatisfied6. 6. Who is the person in our organization you contact most frequently? a. Company Owner b. Sales men c. Manager d. Others7. 7. Whatâs your view about our payment system? a. Excellent b. Very good c. Good d. Poor8. 8. Comments (Please write us on the back of this form) â˘13. Sample Questionnaires Answer Sheet Hotspot Enta2. 1.Role of person completing this form: a. Manager (other company)-16 b. Administrator-5 c. Computer Programmer-3 d. Customer-262.
2.When you contact a “Hotspot Enta” representative, is he/she courteous? b. Yes-54 b. No-123. 3.Are you satisfied with the way your problems or questions are handled? a. Most Satisfied-5 b. Satisfied-15 c. Dissatisfied-5 d.Ok-254. 4.Whatâs your view about âHotspot Enta” when compared to another video rental centre? a. Excellent-15 b. Very good-10 c. Good-20 d. Poor-5 5. How do you feel when you pay by using the membership card? a. Most Satisfied-10 b. Satisfied-12 c. Ok-8 d. Dissatisfied-206. 6. Who is the person in our organization you contact most frequently? a. Company Owner-6 b. Sales men-24 c. Manager-10 d. Others-107. 7. Whatâs your view about our payment system? a. Excellent-5 b. Very good-5 c. Good-15 d. Poor-258. 8. Comments (Please write us on the back of this form) â˘14. B. InterviewsInterviews are one of the most common and powerful techniques to find out the requirements. This bringsto face-to-face contact with customers or staffs to discover their requirements. And interviews make ahigher response rate. Also, they make clear about doubts and make sure that key points perfectlyunderstood by repeating questions.Appropriate People1. Company Owner2. Company manager3. Payment Division manager4. Stock division manager5. Purchase division manager6. Sales division manager7. Lending managerInterview with Company Owner:Objectives:1. Get the permission to nalyze the system.2. Identify the people who are participating in the system.3. Study about the problems of the existing system.4. His/her expectation about the new system.Questions:1. What are the major departments you have?
2. What are they doing?3. What are the problems are you facing with/in the current system?4. How should the proposed system be?5. What are the facilities you want to include with/in the proposed system?6. Do you have enough money for the new system? â˘15. Interview with Company managerObjectives:1. Study the problems with the existing system.2. Study about manager work.3. Study about what are the difficulties him/her facing in his/her work.4. Who are the people involved with each departments.Questions:1. How do you find working with the current system?2. What are the problems you are facing for the current system?3. Are you satisfied with other staff work?4. What are you expectations of the new system?Interview with Payment Division managerObjectives:1. Know the problems with the existing payment system.2. Study about his/her work.3. Identify the difficulties with his/her work.Questions:1. How do you find working with the current system?2. What are the problems are you facing for the current system?3. When more customers come to make the payment, can you manage?4. How will your action if a customer is not made his payment?5. How you handle your payment database?Interview with Stock Division managerObjectives:1. Know the problems with the existing payment system.2. Study about his/her work.3. Identify the difficulties with his/her work.Questions:1. How do you find working with the current system?2. What are the problems are you facing for the Stock activities?
3. When more and more items come to the stock, how can you handle?4. Do you like increase stock division people amount? What are the reasons?5. How you handle your stock database? â˘16. Summarize of the interviewInterviewee: Company ownerSubject: Study of the companyDuration: Two hoursMr. Kajua is the owner of the “Hotspot Enta” company. He likes to build the manual system tothe computerize system, because the company staff will get to work quickly and accurately. Forthat, he is satisfied to have a centralized database. He is not satisfied to have an onlinecomputerize system. In addition, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales,inventory& rental activities.Thanking interviewee..Interviewee: Company ManagerSubject: Study of the complete systemDuration: Two hoursMr. David is the company manager. He likes to work with a computerized system, because thecompany staff will get to work quickly and accurately. In addition, he is unable to get theinformation from the sub divisions. He is not satisfied to have an online computerize system.Moreover, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales, inventory & rentalactivities.Thanking interviewee.Interviewee: Payment division ManagerSubject: Details of the payment systemDuration: Two hoursMr. Suresh is the manager of the payment division. He likes to work with a computerizedsystem, and a centralized database system, because he finds it difficult to work with the manualsystem. In addition, he has to generate monthly reports quickly and accurately.Thanking interviewee.
â˘17. Interviewee: Stock Division managerSubject: Details study of the stock activitiesDuration: Two hoursMr. Onyango is the manager of the stock division. He likes to work with a computerized system,and a centralized database system. Moreover, he likes to increase the stock division employees.In addition, he likes to have more shelves to keep the stock. Because he finds it difficult to keepthe items without damages and the staff have to spend more time to find out the place of theitems.Thanking interviewee.Common meeting with cashiers and salesmen;Subject: details analysis of the systemDuration: One and a half hoursThey would like to work with the computerize system, because they are unable to work quicklyand accurately. More reasons include: 1. They have to give a clear invoice bill to the customers. 2. They are unable to handle the return items quickly. 3. And most of the cashiers have an experience with computerize system. 4.Thanking meeting. â˘18. C. The StayHome case study This case study describes a company called StayHome, which rents out videos to its members. The first branch of StayHome was established in 1982 in Seattle but the company has now grown and has many branches throughout the United States. â˘19. Report Listing of StaffReport Listing Videos
â˘20. Member Registration Form
â˘21. Page of Report Listing Members
â˘22. Video Rental Form StayHome Case Study âDatabase Planningď Define mission statement for the database project.ď Defines the major aims of the database system.ď Clarifies purpose of database and provides clearer path towards the efficient and effective creation of the required database
system.ď Define mission objectives.ď Each mission objective identifies a particular task that the database must support.ď Additional information specifies, in general terms, the work to be done, the resources with which to do it, and the money to pay for it all. â˘23. Mission Statement For StayHome Database SystemMission Objective For StayHome Database System â˘24. StayHome case study âSystem Definition ď Define scope and boundary of database system and its major user views. ď A user view represents requirements to be supported by a database system as defined by a particular job role (such as Manager or Assistant) or business application area (such as Š or Education Limited video rentals Pearsonstock control).Boundary for the StayHome Database System â˘25. User Views for StayHome Database System
â˘26. StayHome Case Study â Requirements Collection and Analysis ď Gather more details on user views to create usersâ requirements specification, which describes data to be held in database and how data is to be used. ď Collect general requirements for the system to create â systems specification – describes features to be included in new database system such as networking, shared access, performance, and security requirements. ď Decide how to manage project where database system has more than one user view. ď There are three approaches to dealing ď With multiple user views, namely: I. Centralized approach II. View integration approach
There are numerous advantages in using Commodity Rentalsâ video rental software. It lets you keep track of your rentals and sales history, stores the details of customers, generates detailed invoices and rental agreements, calculates taxes and overdue rentals, and maintains a list of payments and any late charges that need to be collected. Its user-friendly format can be easily mastered by anyone and requires just one person to maintain it, reducing overhead. This video rental system can be understood and installed within minutes. This software also provides you with vendor management, inventory tracking and a flexible tax system that lets you tax different products differently. Just as there are many advantages associated with DVDÂ rentals online, there are a number of disadvantages of DVD rentals online. If you familiarize yourself with the benefits and the disadvantages of DVD rentals online you can then make a better decision as to whether or not renting DVDs online is for you. Letâs review a few of the disadvantages of DVD rentals online so that you can be an informed consumer when in comes to DVD rentals. First and foremost, one of the disadvantages of DVD rentals online is that you will have to order your DVDs online and then wait for them to arrive in the mail.
If you are in a hurry to watch certain movies or if you donât have the patience to wait for your DVD rentals to arrive, then you may find that DVD rentals online are not for you and your needs. Conversely, if you can wait a few days to get your hands on some great flicks, then you will not view this waiting period as one of the big disadvantages of DVD rentals online. Along the same lines, you will find that you have to mail your DVD rentals back to the DVD rental provider when you are through with them. This is one of the disadvantages of DVD rentals online because you will have to wait until the DVDs reach the rental provider before you can have more DVDs delivered to you. Further, this can increase the waiting period for DVD rentals and end up limiting your âunlimited rentalsâ. Therefore, if you really want to see a certain movie immediately, this, of all disadvantages of DVD Rentals online, can be particularly bothersome. Of course, among the disadvantages of DVD Rentals online is the fact that the DVD provider you are familiar with may not have the movie you are looking forâespecially if it is popular and everyone wants to rent it at the same time. Again, just like in the local video store, this can increase the amount of time it takes you to get your hands on the DVD rentals of your choice.
Patience is certainly a virtue when it comes to DVD rentals onlineânevertheless, you can get some fantastic movies at relatively great prices when you start taking advantage of DVD rentals online. As well, you will find that you will have to wait for popular movies to come out on DVD before you can see them. This is one of the disadvantages of DVD Rentals online as well as renting from video stores. If you know of a movie that you and your family are just dying to see, you might want to break out the extra cash to hit the local theatre. Remember however, the theatre is far more costly than DVD rentals online. In the end, if you have quite a bit of patience and you are willing to wait for the arrival of your DVD rentals, by all means take advantage of DVD rentals online. There is a great selection available for you and you will have fun browsing through all of the available DVDS. Just keep the common disadvantages of DVD Rentals online in the back of your mind and you wonât run into any unexpected surprises when you are renting DVDs online.