Today’s India

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1441
- Category: Country
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Order Now1. Inequalities among citizens
a. Explain what the caste system is Æ The Dalits, p. 151
– division of society into four unequal hereditary social classes /castes + the Dalits (or Untouchables) who are outcastes…
b. Point out the gap between rich and poor Æ A country on the march, p. 24 – From Bombay to Mumbai, p. 31 – Two stories, p. 32
– fourth highest number of billionaires in the world (55) vs 42% people living below 80p (0.93€) a day…
– Dharavi slum in Mumbai: overpopulated (314,887 inhabitants/km2 )…
– 20-year-old Suhas Gopinath: the world’s youngest CEO vs 24 year-old Bisu Das, who sells garbage to make a living…
2. Inequalities among men and women
a. Explain what the dowry tradition is Æ The dowry tradition, p. 151 – the wife’s family gives a “dowry” or gift to the future husband’s family on marriage… – dowry deaths…
– bride burning…
b. Explain why there is a “gendercide” in India Æ India’s girls go missing, p. 20 – Another girl, p. 22 – A country on the march, p. 24
– gendercide = gender-selected abortions, female infanticide, dowry-related murders… – 600,000 Indian girls go missing every year…
– 940 girls for every 1,000 boys…
– sons financially more attractive than daughters…
– two-child families encouraged by family planning, poor families can’t afford two girls… – example of Kavita’s husband (Text 1) who wanted to get rid of their daughter at birth… 3. The evolution of Indian society
a. A changing economy Æ The two Indias, p. 20 – The Great Indian Dream, p. 21 – A country on the march, p. 24 – Changing India, p. 26
– Hyderabad: “High-tech city” /“Cyberabad”…
– Bangalore: high-tech enclaves…
– growth of the high-tech sector /computing and communications revolution… – record GDP growth of more than 8 percent every year…
– India at the heart of the world’s network of remote service provision… – India has changed dramatically: farms give way to factories… b. Successful women Æ High-tech cities, p. 20 – Is microcredit changing India?, p. 21 –
The Great Indian Dream, p. 21 – Changing India, p. 26 – The world’s largest democracy, p. 31 – example of Sirisha, an Indian entrepreneur who left her job in Manhattan to found her own company in India…
– women at the forefront of the microcredit movement…
– female literacy rate still lower than the male rate (64% vs 83%) but educational programmes allow girls to become literate…
– women are becoming breadwinners through microcredit…
– two women at the head of the government (Indira Gandhi: first female Prime Minister, Pratibha Patil: first female President of India)…
Expliquez le terme “empowerment of citizens”.
To empower people means to give more power and responsibilities: the power to make their own decisions, the power to have their say…
Élaboration d’un plan et prise de notes
1. New technologies
List the tools that are easily available to citizens and what they can do with them → Think different, p. 56 – The power of Google, p. 56 – Empowered citizens, p. 57 – Google, p. 153 – WikiLeaks, p.153
– The Internet and a whole range of digital tools now available: the computer, smartphones, the iPad:
– Instant communication much easier than ever before and available to everyone… – Development of citizen movements worldwide to fight social and economic inequalities and difficulties: the Arab Spring, the 99% movement, other “Occupy” movements… – Citizens can make their voices heard more than ever before thanks to the Internet in particular: WikiLeaks, for instance…
– Search engines like Google:
– Easier for anyone to find the right information on the Internet… – Google Earth: possibility to view towns, regions, countries without moving from home or to plan holidays by visiting a region online…
– Phones with built-in cameras:
– Enable anyone to take pictures or record events as they occur… – Post
pictures or films on any social network…
– Citizens empowered as journalists or reporters…
2. How new technologies have empowered citizens
a. The role of social networks
Show how citizens can get organized rapidly → “We are the 99%”, p. 60 – Flash mobs, p. 62 – Citizens can share information and coordinate their actions quickly via social networks and mobile phones without using traditional media (TV, radio…). For instance, the “99%” movement developed and spread throughout the world very quickly thanks to social networks like Facebook…
Flash mobs can also form, sometimes almost instantly, via social networks… Different sorts of flash mobs: those with a cultural or social goal and those formed to carry out unlawful activities (looting, rioting → The 2011 London riots…)… b. The rise of counter-powers
Give examples → “We are the 99%”, p. 60 – Should WikiLeaks be banned?, p. 61 – Are counter-powers growing in influence?, p. 68 – WikiLeaks, p. 153 Counter-powers like the “99%” and WikiLeaks remind those in power that they cannot do what they want and that citizens can take matters into their own hands and make themselves heard… – The “99%” movement:
– Protests against social inequalities not only in the USA but across the world… – Could influence next year’s presidential and congressional elections in the US… – WikiLeaks: a website which revealed lots of classified information to the world. – Founder’s goal: to stop governments from hiding the truth from their citizens…
1. Underline the contrast between tradition and modernity in Britain today a. Give examples of the heritage of history → The Monarchy: what Britain really wants, p. 74 – Kings and queens on screen, p. 84 – The Commonwealth, p. 154 – The United Kingdom, p. 154
– The public still attached to a monarch as head of state… – Protestant tradition and Church of England…
– The Commonwealth – close links with ex colonies…
– Political union between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland… b. Underline the importance of traditions in everyday life → A sporting nation, p. 79 – Education: two Britains, p. 75
– Popular, yearly sporting events dating back to the nineteenth century (the Boat race, the Six Nations Championship, the Ashes) each associated with a particular tradition (blues, the wooden spoon, the urn)…
– Still a class divide in education – a public school tradition for the wealthy… c. Point out aspects of modernity in Britain today → London today, p. 73 – The world… at home, p. 74 – London’s changing skyline, p. 75, – Black Britons, p. 80 – Population mix, cosmopolitan society…
– Open to other cultures: MultiKulti music festivals (Carnaval de Pueblo, London Mela)…
– Black people comfortable with the idea of being British. – Innovations in architecture: the London Eye, new skyscrapers (the Gherkin, the Shard, the Razor…), a mix of old and new…
2. Are traditions an obstacle to change?
a. Give examples of what has changed in recent history → The monarchy: what Britain really wants, p. 74 – Consumerist zombies, p. 76 – Students protest, p. 78 – Black Britons, p. 80 – The United Kingdom, p. 154
– Change of opinion on allowing the monarch to marry a Catholic… – Shift from economy based on manufacturing to economy based on consumerism… – Younger generation more individualistic – Poppy…
– Increased cost of university education…
– More public protests about government decisions…
– Black people better integrated – feeling more British than black… – Disuniting the kingdom, devolution and maybe independence of Scotland… 156 Unit 4 – This is Britainb. Give examples of what is not changing → The monarchy: what Britain really wants, p. 74 – Education: two Britains, p. 75
– Attachment to the monarchy and all its pomp and pageantry… – Still a class divide in education (less than 5% of students from poor neighbourhoods at top 20 Universities). 10% of students from disadvantaged backgrounds don’t
complete their university course…
3. On pourra conclure, en s’appuyant sur les deux notions du programme culturel L’idée de progrès et Espaces et échanges, pour analyser le lien permanent entre modernité et tradition qui existe en Grande-Bretagne :
To conclude, both the notion The idea of progress and the notion Places and exchanges need to be taken into account to analyse the link between modernity and tradition in Great Britain. The way Britain has changed and evolved over the years is closely linked to its history and traditions, but also to the exchanges developed over the years, with countries all over the world and particularly throughout the Commonwealth, which have contributed to making it the cosmopolitan, modern society it now is. In fact, the identity of Britain today is based on a balance between its long-standing traditions and its ability to modernize and adapt to the challenges it has to face in a changing world.