Asia Essays

The first opening of Japan in 1854 caused a significant political, economic and social change within Japan that are still visible to this day. The forced opening, lead by the American Commodore Matthew Perry, was a tipping point for the collapse in the Bakufu system and a key factor that …
Neglected issues of Identity and representation of Madhesis’ have been fermenting in Nepal for decades. But Nepal has undergone series of systemic changes in past 20-25 years and became republic after civil war (1996-2006); promulgated its’ constitution (Sept 2015) which is still in process of evolution and democracy has been …
Introduction The paper addresses a new dwelling typology that has developed in the contemporary world – ‘gated residential communities’; the problems associated with it at a social and urban level, focusing majorly on its impact on the city as a whole. It tries to explain the notion by taking the …
Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty’s Trek Across the Pacific is an ethnography which shows how an anthropologist manly focused on the growth of Hello Kitty throughout time. Throughout the book we are able to see how Yano does her research based on Sanrio a Japanese company that has design merchandise that …
Features a richly diverse culture and religious practices. This diversity stems from the many immigrants and traders, as well as invading armies, who took part of their own philosophies to India. The landscape and climate throughout the Indian subcontinent ranges extraordinarily from dry deserts to tropical rainforests. India’s diverse culture …
This diversity stems from the many immigrants and traders, as well as invading armies, who took part of their own philosophies to India. The landscape and climate throughout the Indian subcontinent ranges extraordinarily from dry deserts to tropical rainforests. India’s diverse culture is in many ways a reflection of its …
In March 1854, Matthew Perry became the first triumphant foreigner to open up Japan after a two hundred-year isolation. Perry’s mission ended Japan’s isolation, and as a result Western culture along with goods, language, food, leisure, etc. , entered Japan. Additionally, Perry forced China to sign the Treaty of Kanagwa, …
Direct American involvement began in 1955 and the first combat troops were sent in 1964. The war was the longest and most unpopular war in which Americans had fought and huge losses were made, both in human life and financially. The Americans entered Vietnam believing there was to be a …
In 1991 when the bodies of Anastasia family where found, two where missing. One was Alexei, her younger brother, and one was either Anastasia, Maria or Titian. It is suspected that they were cremated, not buried. 8) Anastasia did not have a particularly special bond with her grandmother Dowager Empress …
Rotavirus A (RVA) is among the leading etiological agents of porcine gastroenteritis and causes stunted growth among piglets. Moreover, there is increasing evidence for zoonosis of RVA, which is also the principal cause of diarrhea in children. In the absence of rigorous animal health monitoring in Philippine backyard farms, there …
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